Sony has announced that their “Welcome Back” costumer appreciation program will give PlayStation Network owners their choice of TWO FREE GAMES from a list of 5 for either the PlayStation 3 or 4 for the PlayStation Portable.
Incredibly, these full games are actual retail titles and not smaller downloadable games (for the most part). So what if you already own all of the games from the list? It looks like you may be out of luck, here is how Sony responded when asked about it on their official PlayStation blog.
“I’m really sorry tha [sic] there is nothing there that you want,” explained Caplin. “We’ve tried really hard to put together a list of high quality BD [Blu-ray disc] games, rather than simply offering cheaper PSN titles. The average metacritic rating for these games is over 84%, so these are high quality games. Unfortunately with a user base of 77m people, it is really hard to offer something for everyone.”
These free games will be available in all countries that are able to access the PlayStation Store and for those users who had a valid PlayStation Network and/or Qriocity account when the PlayStation Network went offline due to the hack attack. The games can then be downloaded and kept forever. The list seems to be mostly the same for all major territories including the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia. You’ll be able to download the new games for up to 30 days from now.
“We developed the program as an expression of our gratitude for your patience, support and continued loyalty during the service outage. From all of us at PlayStation, thank you and welcome back!”
Here are the free PS3 games you can choose from:
* Europe gets “Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty” in place of America’s Super Stardust HD.
Here are the free PSP games you can choose from: