Fortnite Season 6 Week 6 Challenges: Battle Star Treasure Map, Sheet Music & Piano Locations Guide

Welcome to the Fortnite Season 6 Week 6 Challenges: Battle Star Treasure Map & Sheet Music & Piano Locations Guide. Here you will find out how to get to the Sheet Music & Piano & Treasure Chests Locations in Fortnite Battle Royale on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, Switch & Mobile.

How To Find Search Challenge Locations In Fortnite Battle Royale – Season 6 Week 6: This video guide will show you Season 6 Week 6 of Fortnite’s Battlepass Challenges that includes finding all of the Chest as well as the Sheet Music & Piano locations around the map.

Index of Fortnite Season 6 Guides:

Challenge Locations covered for Season 6 Week 6 in the video guide are:

Note: Week 6 challenges will be available on November 1st at 4am ET/8am GMT. This was an intended change to push back Weekly Challenges to Thursdays (since 5 months ago). That’s why they are not working until Thursday.

Fortnite Season 6 Week 6 Challenges Map
Fortnite Season 6 Week 6 Challenges Map

Free Challenges:

• Place Chillers in different matches (3)

• Search a Chest in different Named Locations (7)

• Shotgun Eliminations – HARD (3)

Battle Pass Challenges:

• Stage 1: Land at Shifty Shafts (1)

• Deal damage with a pickaxe to opponents (250)

• Stage 1: Find a stand with Sheet Music in Pleasant Park – HARD (1)

Tips: The Sheet Music and Piano challenge in Week 6 Season 6 is split into 4 stages. Basically, you need to find music sheets and then play the music at the giant pianos.

First, you need to find the sheet music in a house in Pleasant Park. You have to wait until the next match until stage 2 can be completed. The piano on the hill next to pleasant park now has the sheet music standing in front of it. Play it to unlock the next stage.
It follows the same pattern. Simply pick up the sheet music in the east of Retail Row and play it on the piano next to Retail Row.

Note: You’ll need to win/lose the game for it to count towards the challenge. You cannot just quit. You also need to be in a new game after finding the sheet music to enter the solution on the Piano.

Sheet Music & Piano Timeline:
[0:00] Stage 1: Find the Sheet Music in Pleasant Park
[0:25] Stage 2: Play the Sheet Music at the Piano near Pleasant Park
[0:57] Stage 3: Find the Sheet Music in Retail Row
[1:19] Stage 4: Play the Sheet Music at the Piano near Retail Row

• Stage 1: Elimination with a Common weapon – HARD (1)

Hunting Party Challenges:

• Find Secret Banner (1)

Tips: To unlock the secret banner for Week 6, you first need to complete SIX sets from any of the weekly challenges (weeks 1-10). This unlocks a new loading screen with a hint. This week’s hint leads you to car pile north of the desert.

Week 6 is an off week for the secret battle star which means no free tier until next week.

Bonus Reward: Completing every challenge in 7 different weeks will unlock the secret hunting party skin.

[Work-In-Progress: Please check back every week for the latest Fortnite Challenge guides! 😀 ]

Time to complete Fortnite Battle Royale’s Battle Pass Challenges for Season 6 Week 6!

Credits to randomChievos, Harry94 & Squatingdog