Octopath Traveler Cheats

Looking for Octopath Traveler cheats on Nintendo Switch? Here we’ll list Octopath Traveler cheat codes and unlockables with tips for Square Enix’s new JRPG game.

Here we will show you how to unlock all Octopath Traveler codes with a cheats list that’s valid for the Switch version (where available).

Take a look at the cheats below…

Octopath Traveler Cheats

Unlockable Secret Ending

How To Unlock The Secret Ending: Octopath Traveler has a secret ending after completing the Ruins of Hornburg. You must first complete these two quests: “Daughter of the Dark God” by going to Ravis Manor where you start it by challenging a guard to a duel, then there’s “In Search of the Father” which is started by talking to Kid outside of city where YOU started your game at. Next go to the west Swarky Trail and talk to Emperor Swaria to unlock the Ruins of Hornburg. Finish it to get the secret ending, good luck!

Octopath Traveler Tips and Tricks

Octopath Traveler is a brand new JRPG title from the Bravely Default team at Square Enix with a clear ode to the 16-bit Final Fantasy games of the 90’s. As the name implies, featuring 8 all new characters with unique paths to travel. Let’s take a closer look at the game with handy gameplay tips and tricks.


There are no other Octopath Traveler cheats on Switch yet. So until more are discovered, we made the handy Octopath Traveler guides listed above to help you with tips and tricks for the game!

Credits: Gamexplain & Gamespot

Do you know of any Octopath Traveler cheats or unlockables?
Let us know in the comments, you’ll get credit for finding out. – Thanks for visiting!