Fallout 4: Far Harbor The Islander’s Almanac Magazines Locations Guide

Welcome to the Fallout 4: Far Harbor The Islander’s Almanac Magazines locations guide that helps you find the total of 5 The Islander’s Almanac Magazines locations in the PS4, Xbox One & PC action-RPG game.

Finding all 5 The Islander’s Almanac Magazine Issue locations and picking them up will help unlock the following Achievement / Trophy:
* “The Islander’s Almanac” (10 Gamerscore / Bronze Trophy) — Collect all issues of “The Islander’s Almanac” magazine.

The Timeline for all these in-game The Islander’s Almanac Magazines locations is listed below.

Index of Fallout 4 Guides:

Fallout 4: Far Harbor The Islander’s Almanac Magazines

Where to find all The Islander’s Almanac Magazines in Fallout 4: Far Harbor? The in-game collectibles locations for The Islander’s Almanac Magazines are described in this detailed video guide with handy voice-over tips.

The Islander’s Almanac Magazines are listed in the step-by-step video, in the order that they appear chronologically.

Timeline in minutes for The Islander’s Almanac Magazines Locations Guide:

• [0:10] – The Islander’s Almanac Magazine Issue Location #1: The Last Plank — “Far Harbor Sightseer’s Guide: You’ve unlocked POI map markers across the island.”

• [0:36] – The Islander’s Almanac Magazine Issue Location #2: Acadia — “Children of Atom Expose: You receive 10% less damage from Radiation based attacks.”

• [1:10] – The Islander’s Almanac Magazine Issue Location #3: National Park Visitors Center — “Recipe Roundup: You’ve unlocked Sludge based recipes at the Chemistry Station.”

• [1:33] – The Islander’s Almanac Magazine Issue Location #4: Brooke’s Head Lighthouse — “Precision Hunting: You have a 5% higher VATS chance against animals you are in combat with.”

• [2:09] – The Islander’s Almanac Magazine Issue Location #5: Northwood Ridge Quarry — “Pincer Dodge: You take 5% less damage from Mirelurk melee attacks.”

There you go! All The Islander’s Almanac Magazines in Fallout 4: Far Harbor are yours! 🙂

I hope these tips helped you get all of The Islander’s Almanac Magazines hidden in the game.

Please check out our other “How To” guides listed at the top of this page to enjoy Fallout 4: Far Harbor more! 😀

Huge thanks to Lunar Craft for the guide video and tips.

Please comment if you have any additional Fallout 4: Far Harbor The Islander’s Almanac Magazines location tips of your own, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting!