Uncharted 4 Weapons Guide

This Uncharted 4 weapons guide will show you which 28 weapons you’ll be wielding and how to best find and use them to stop all enemies that dare stand in your way!

The Uncharted 4 weapons list and strategy guide follow here-under.

Index of Uncharted 4 Guides:

Uncharted 4 Weapons Guide

Uncharted 4 Weapons List

Here’s the organized weapons list.

The first 21 weapons you can get from weapon select in the bonus menu (available after finishing the story mode).

1. Aegis 9mm

2. Fossa R-81

3. Raffica

4. Pistole

5. Barok .44

6. Flintlock Pistol

7. Para .45

8. AK-47

9. XCR

10. FAL

11. ARX-160

12. HS39

13. Mettler M-30

14. Copperhead SR7

15. MP34a

16. Mazur LDR

17. M14 Custom

18. Spezzotti 12 Gauge

19. Condor

20. China Lake GL

21. RPG

The last 7 weapons you can find on the following locations…

22. GrenadeWeapon Location: You have them at the start of almost any chapter’s encounter.

23. DynamiteWeapon Location: You have this at the start of “Chapter 8: The Grave of Henry Avery”, during the “Bridge” encounter.

24. Propane TankWeapon Location: They are small white propane tanks you canisters you can pick up. Can be found in “Chapter 8: The Grave of Henry Avery”, during the “Bridge” encounter.

25. TurretWeapon Location: One you can sit in and shoot enemies with is found in “Chapter 9: Those Who Prove Worthy”, during “The Tunnels” encounter.

26. Explosive BarrelWeapon Location: Shoot them when enemy is nearby, for example “Chapter 9: Those Who Prove Worthy”, during “The Tunnels” encounter.

27. DShKWeapon Location: Machine Gun that is used by heavily armored enemies, some of them have it in “Chapter 20: No Escape”, during the “Ship Graveyard” encounter.

28. Powder KegWeapon Location: Small red explosive barrels you can pick up and throw at enemies. Can be found in “Chapter 20: No Escape”, during the “Ship Graveyard” encounter.

Uncharted 4 Unlockable Weapons

Where to find all weapons in Uncharted 4? The in-game weapons locations are described in this detailed video guide with Brian’s voice-over tips.

The weapons are listed in these step-by-step videos, in the order that they appear chronologically.

Next, the final obtainable weapon from the above list — the Powder Keg — can be found at 3:05 minutes into this guide.

Finding all 28 weapon locations and using each one to kill an enemy will help unlock the following Trophy:
* “I Accidentally All the Guns” (Bronze Trophy) — Use every weapon in the game.
* Note: You can get all the weapon kills via encounter select. Your progress will be saved instantly and will be saved when you quit the encounter.

Best Weapon Tip: Enable the Infinite Ammo & Weapon Select cheats. Cheats become available after finishing the Story Mode once and starting another playthrough on Crushing difficulty. – Then before you start use the Barok .44 revolver from weapon select, since it kills almost everything in one hit, making it the best weapon in Uncharted 4 for those settings.

Thanks for the guide tips to Sony, PS4trophies & Powerpyx.

What are your favorite Uncharted 4 weapons?