Uncharted 4 Strange Relics Locations Guide

Welcome to the Uncharted 4 Strange Relics locations guide that helps you find the total of 3 Strange Relics locations in the PS4 action-adventure platformer game.

Finding all 3 Strange Relic locations and picking them up will help unlock the following Trophy:
* “Relic Finder” (Bronze Trophy) — Find the Strange Relics.
* Bonus: Picking up these collectibles will also earn you Points that can be used to buy/unlock Game Play Modifier cheats with. You can spend these Points before you start

Story Mode on Crushing difficulty.

The Timeline for all these in-game Strange Relics locations & the Strange Relic names is listed below.

Index of Uncharted 4 Guides:

Uncharted 4 Strange Relics

How to find missing Strange Relics?: Strange Relics are in-game treasure items that will shimmer from a distance to make them stand out from the environment, while also often being in out-of-sight places. When you get near them a treasure chest icon will appear with the Triangle button icon above it indicating you should press the button to pick up the Strange Relic.

Progress Tracking Tip: To see how many collectibles you have found in the chapters, you can keep track of your collectible progress in Chapter Select, where there’s a collectible counter for each chapter. Another place to track the missing/found Strange Relics is from the pause menu.

Does the game save each Strange Relic you collect?: Yes, the game will automatically save the Strange Relics you just collected if you picked up the Strange Relic, so you don’t have to play to the end of the chapter or even the next checkpoint. After picking up each collectible you can safely quit the chapter without losing collectibles progress, which carries over to the next campaign playthrough meaning you can get missing collectibles via chapter select at any time.

Where to find all Strange Relics in Uncharted 4? The in-game collectibles locations for the Strange Relics are described in Powerpyx’s detailed video guide.

The Strange Relics are listed in the step-by-step video, in the order that they appear chronologically per Chapter.

Timeline in minutes for the Strange Relics Locations Guide:

Chapter 9: Those Who Prove Worthy
• Strange Relic Location #1: Strange Pendant (Firefly Pendant from The Last of Us!) – 0:00

After solving the puzzle with the water bucket and 3 crucifixes you must jump down the cliff on the right side of the caves. Here you can attach your rope and swing to a platform with a skeleton on it that has the pendant.
Note: The name of this Firefly Druckley’s Strange Pendant is a combination of Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley, the directors of Uncharted 4 and Last of Us.

Chapter 12: At Sea
• Strange Relic Location #2: Strange Relic (Precursor Orb from Jak and Daxter!) – 0:40

This is after following the arrows with your boat. Shortly after you and Sam get split up (because of a rope bridge breaking apart) you will come to an old tower on top of the island. From here you must use your rope and slide down some mud. Now head left. There’s a small hill you can climb. From the hill you must make a far jump into the abyss and attach your rope last second. The rope is really far away and hard to see. It will let you swing to a platform with a big bowl on it. In the bowl is the strange relic.

Chapter 21: Brother’s Keeper
• Strange Relic Location #3: Strange Fruit (Wumpa Fruit from Crash Bandicoot!) – 1:31

This is inside the cave near the end of the chapter. You will have to attach your rope to a wooden structure and swing down. As you swing down you will see Avery’s pirate ship in the water below you. Now rappel down and swing to the little cave entrance in front of you, on the right side. It’s far away and easy to miss. Inside this cave is the last strange item.

There you go! All Strange Relics in Uncharted 4 are yours! 🙂

I hope these tips helped you get all of the Strange Relics hidden in the game.

Please check out our other “How To” guides listed at the top of this page to enjoy Uncharted 4 more! 😀

Huge thanks to Powerpyx for the guide video and tips.

Please comment if you have any additional Uncharted 4 Strange Relics location tips of your own, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting!