Quantum Break Quantum Ripples Locations Guide

Welcome to the Quantum Break Quantum Ripples locations guide that helps you find the total of 9 Quantum Ripples locations in the Xbox One & PC third-person shooter action-adventure game.

Finding all 9 Quantum Ripple locations and picking them up will help unlock the following Achievements:
* “A Link To The Future” (20 Gamerscore) — Locate one Quantum Ripple and one Intel Item.
* “Spreading Ripples” (10 Gamerscore) — Watch a show episode with all of the Quantum Ripples unlocked.
* “Tossing Stones in a Pond” (20 Gamerscore) — You need to trigger all Quantum Ripples.

The Timeline for all these in-game Quantum Ripples locations is listed below.

Table of Contents

Index of Quantum Break Guides:

Quantum Break Quantum Ripples

Tip: To find all Quantum Ripple collectibles in the game, press the Y button on your Xbox One controller to make them more visible with an orange glow. “Time Vision” is used to locate enemies, hazards and items.

Note: On-screen Quantum Ripples notifications mean: “You’ve just initiated a Quantum Ripple. Watch the next episode of the show to see the consequence of your action.”

Where to find all Quantum Ripples in Quantum Break? The in-game collectibles locations for the Quantum Ripples are described in this detailed video guide with Maka’s handy voice-over tips along the way.

The Quantum Ripples are listed in the step-by-step videos, in the order that they appear chronologically.

Act 1 Quantum Ripple Locations

Timeline in minutes for the Act 1 Quantum Ripples Locations Guide:

Part 1: Riverport University Experiment
• No Collectibles

Part 2: Campus Escape
4:50 – Quantum Ripple – Solution

Part 3: Library Chase
• No Collectibles

Junction 1: Hardline / PR
6:25 – Quantum Ripple – Memento

Act 2 Quantum Ripple Locations

Timeline in minutes for the Act 2 Quantum Ripples Locations Guide:

Part 1: Industrial Area
0:45 – Quantum Ripple – Gala Invitation

Part 2: Ground Zero
9:03 – Quantum Ripple – Riverport Rexes Sign

Part 3: Bradbury Swimming Pool
• No Collectibles

Junction 2: Personal / Business
• No Collectibles

Act 3 Quantum Ripple Locations

Timeline in minutes for the Act 3 Quantum Ripples Locations Guide:

Part 1: Research Facility
2:16 – Quantum Ripple – Stream the Speech

Part 2: Monarch Gala
8:33 – Quantum Ripple – Audio Book

Junction 3: Sofia Amaral / Martin Hatch
• No Collectibles

Act 4 Quantum Ripple Locations

Timeline in minutes for the Act 4 Quantum Ripples Locations Guide:

Part 1: Port Donnelly Bridge
• No Collectibles

Part 2: Preparing the Time Machine
6:43 – Quantum Ripple – Beth’s Information / Nick’s Information

Part 3: Swimming Pool 2010
• No Collectibles

Part 4: Will’s Workshop 2010
9:21 – Quantum Ripple – Power Shutoff

Junction 4: Control / Surrender
• No Collectibles

Act 5 Quantum Ripple Locations

Timeline in minutes for the Act 5 Quantum Ripples Locations Guide:

Part 1: Monarch HQ
4:40 – Email – Quantum Ripple research unit

Part 2: Return to the University
• No Collectibles

Part 3: Final Moments
• No Collectibles

There you go! All Quantum Ripples in Quantum Break are yours! 🙂

I hope these tips helped you get all of the Quantum Ripples hidden in the game.

Please check out our other “How To” guides listed at the top of this page to enjoy Quantum Break more! 😀

Huge thanks to Maka for the guide videos and tips.

Please comment if you have any additional Quantum Break Quantum Ripples location tips of your own, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting!