Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Supremacy Weapons Guide

This Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Supremacy Weapons Guide shows you the new weapons in the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Supremacy DLC for the Xbox 360, Xbox One and one month later on PS3, PS4 & PC.

Get ready to tear enemies & zombies alike a new one with these powerful weapons!

The Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Supremacy weapons strategy guide follows here-under.

Index of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Supremacy Guides:

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Supremacy Weapons Guide

How to use the LZ-52 Limbo Weapon in the Carrier Exo Zombies Mode Map

The “LZ-52 Limbo” Wonder Weapon is a directed energy weapon.

See how to use it in action with gameplay tips from this video guide.

Location: The LZ-52 Limbo can be received at random for free from a 3D Printer in the Carrier map of the new Exo Zombies mode. You just have to be lucky.

Upgrades: The LZ-52 Limbo “wonder weapon” can be upgraded, until its ‘Mark’ maxes out, by using the 3D Printer (Mystery Box), which costs 2,500 each time. Along the way as you upgrade it increases your magazine size!


Please comment if you know of any other special new weapons in the Supremacy DLC. 🙂

Credits: Activision & Tmar.

What’s your favorite weapon to use in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Supremacy?