The Assassin’s Creed Unity release date has been set for October 28th November 11th 2014 in America and on November 13th 2014 in Europe & Australia on Xbox One, PS4 and PC; confirmed Ubisoft at E3 2014.
This is different from the last AC game, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, which had its Xbox 360 and PS3 versions released worldwide on October 29th, 2013, followed shortly by the Wii U version, then the Xbox One, PS4 and PC versions in November.
Assassin’s Creed Unity Release Date
With that precedent set, and with Assassin’s Creed Unity only appearing on three platforms as opposed to five like ACIV, you can probably expect AC: Unity to get a worldwide release on or around the same day. That is, for the countries that have one of the next-generation consoles.
If you missed Ubisoft’s reveal of Assassin’s Creed Unity, check out this in-depth video!
Here’s a cool piece of Assassin’s Creed Unity wallpaper.
Click on this image thumbnail to see the full-size photo:
Thanks to throwingdigitalsheep for the wallpaper.