The Wolf Among Us Episode 4 Book of Fables Locations Guide

Welcome to The Wolf Among Us Episode 4 Book of Fables locations guide that helps you find all the Book of Fables entries for the PC, Mac, Xbox 360, PS3, PS Vita & iOS graphic adventure game.

Finding all Book of Fables locations and picking them up will help unlock the following Achievement / Trophy:
* “Master Librarian” (30 Gamerscore / Gold Trophy) — Unlocked all Book of Fables entries in Episode 4.

The overview for all these in-game Book of Fables locations is below.

Index of The Wolf Among Us Episode 4 Guides:

The Wolf Among Us Episode 4 Book of Fables

How to find missing Book of Fables?: In-game the Book of Fables will unlock as you play through the story’s 6 Chapters, with the exception of the last two. It can be confirmed as being Book of Fables for you to read, as the on-screen text in the top-right corner will then tell you that “New Book of Fables entry unlocked”.

Tip: You can read the Fable entries via the Main Menu, by going into the “Extras” section and selecting “Book of Fables”.

Does the game save each Book of Fables you collect?: Yes, the game will automatically save the Book of Fables you just collected or picked up the new Book of Fables entry, but it’s still recommended you play to the end of the Chapter. After getting each one your collectibles progress gets saved, as the on-screen indicator will show.

Where to find the final missing Book of Fables entries?: Almost all entries unlock as you play through the chapters.

Missable Book of Fable Location #1:

Mid-way through Episode 4. When you have the choice between visiting two different locations, going to the Butcher Shop or the Lucky Pawn Shop! Going to either location first will unlock a Book of Fables entry. Just follow the dialog and you will unlock the second missing Book of Fables.

Please note that if you want to know how to rewind the game’s scene (when you have the choice between visiting the Lucky Pawn Shop or Butcher Shop first) that you should check the “Tip” section at the bottom of this page. At least, I imagine not everyone wants their savefile negatively impacted by the potentially different outcome just to get the Book of Fables.

This video guide shows what happens when you go to the Lucky Pawn Shop first (starts at 1:20 minutes at the beginning):

This next video guide shows what happens when you go to the Butcher Shop first (starts at 13:30 minutes near the end):

Missable Book of Fable Location #2:

When you go to the Lucky Pawn Shop first, you’ll need to talk to Jack and make sure you can get a look around. When you do look around check the needles from Rose that will unlock the second missing Book of Fable entry.

Tip Section:

One trick to unlocking missable Book of Fables is to replay/rewind a section with multiple choices that end up a Book of Fables entry getting unlocked. By replaying it with different choices you may get a second missable Fable Book.

Sometimes to get the final entry you simply need to rewind to a interrogation/fight section to replay it, and either:
1) Play nice and be patient to take the game in a good direction, or
2) Instead become angry and violent to take the evil path.

How to replay a section of the game with different choices?: Because you can only get one of the two at a time. You may get a missing Book of Fables entry by making an alternate choice.

It’s recommended you keep one savefile as your main story progression for the future Episodes. You can either choose to play the chapter how you want and rewind and savefile in a new spot leaving your main savefile intact, OR the easier way is to choose the option you don’t want and just rewind and overwrite your main savefile.

There you go! All Book of Fables in The Wolf Among Us Episode 4 will soon be yours!

Note: There don’t seem to be any other books you can miss, but please comment below if you’ve found any!

Thanks to Doug & Kevin for the guide videos & tips!

Please comment if you have any additional The Wolf Among Us Episode 4 Book of Fables location tips of your own, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting!