Watch Dogs ctOS Towers Locations Guide

Welcome to the Watch Dogs ctOS Towers locations guide that helps you find the total of 13 ctOS Towers locations for the PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC & Wii U action-adventure game.

Finding all 13 ctOS Tower locations and hacking them will help unlock the following Achievement / Trophy:
* “Clear Signals” (30 Gamerscore / Silver Trophy) — Unlock every ctOS Tower.
* Bonus: Installing a backdoor in each ctOS Tower will reveal points of interest on the map including collectible locations, privacy invasion points, side investigations, and fast travel hideouts.

The Timeline for all these in-game ctOS Towers locations is listed below.

Index of Watch Dogs Guides:

Watch Dogs ctOS Towers

How to unlock ctOS Towers?: You must hack ctOS Systems to make the ctOS Towers available. ctOS Systems are always marked on your map from the beginning on. You can either hack them in free roam or wait until the story requires you to do it in a mission… since you’ll have to hack them all to make it through the story campaign. – Once you’ve hacked the ctOS Systems you can activate the ctOS Towers.

Reach the ctOS Tower’s base and install a backdoor to unlock activities within the region. On your map this will unlock extra Hideouts, reveal Collectibles, Privacy Invasion points, and side investigations.

How to find missing ctOS Towers?: You must hack ctOS Systems to make the ctOS Towers available. ctOS Systems are always marked on your map from the beginning on. You can either hack them in free roam or wait until the story requires you to do it in a mission… since you’ll have to hack them all to make it through the story campaign.

Once you’ve hacked the ctOS Systems you can activate the ctOS Towers. They are all on rooftops, so it requires some climbing and you must use your hacking skills (to raise lifts for optimal climbing to the roof). Use surveillance cameras to find little control boxes that open locked doors, until you reach the ctOS Tower’s antenna control box. Which (following the “Unlock ctOS Tower” prompt) you’ll hack to install a backdoor into its system to grant you access to more of the city’s systems.

Tip: None of the ctOS Towers are missable and you can still get them in free roam after beating the story. Because they reveal all collectibles and additional fast travel points you should get them as early as possible.

Note: Each ctOS Tower you clear, you gain 250 XP!

Does the game save each ctOS Tower you hack?: Yes, the game will automatically save the ctOS Towers you just opened if you hacked the ctOS Tower — when the on-screen map confirms it by opening up to show collectibles and more — so you don’t have to play to the end of a mission if you’re in one. After hacking each unlockable tower you can safely quit the mission without losing unlock progress, but obviously you should wait for the auto-saving icon to stop loading and disappear.

Where to find all ctOS Towers in Watch Dogs? The in-game collectibles locations for the ctOS Towers are described in this detailed video guide.

The ctOS Towers are listed in the video in the order that they can be unlocked per District.

Timeline in minutes for the ctOS Towers Locations Guide:

• [0:05] — ctOS Tower Location #1: Can be found in the “Parker Square” District.
• [1:27] — ctOS Tower Location #2: Can be found in the “Parker Square” District.
• [2:11] — ctOS Tower Location #3: Can be found in the “Mad Mile” District.
• [3:26] — ctOS Tower Location #4: Can be found in the “Mad Mile” District.
• [4:36] — ctOS Tower Location #5: Can be found in the “Mad Mile” District.
• [6:19] — ctOS Tower Location #6: Can be found in “The Loop” District.
• [7:17] — ctOS Tower Location #7: Can be found in “The Loop” District.
• [8:25] — ctOS Tower Location #8: Can be found in “The Loop” District.
• [9:38] — ctOS Tower Location #9: Can be found in the “Brandon Docks” District.
• [10:58] — ctOS Tower Location #10: Can be found in the “Brandon Docks” District.
• [11:52] — ctOS Tower Location #11: Can be found in the “Brandon Docks” District.
• [13:08] — ctOS Tower Location #12: Can be found in “The Wards” District.
• [14:28] — ctOS Tower Location #13: Can be found in “The Wards” District.

Tip: If you need a guided tour to unlock each ctOS Tower, listen to these voice-over tips:

There you go! All ctOS Towers in Watch Dogs are yours for the taking! 🙂

Huge thanks to Powerpyx & Brian for the guide videos and tips.

Please comment if you have any additional Watch Dogs ctOS Towers location tips of your own, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting!