Dark Souls 2 Boss Guide

This complete Dark Souls 2 Boss Guide will show you how to defeat all the bosses in Dark Souls 2 on the Xbox 360, PS3 & PC action-RPG.

Let’s get started with the Dark Souls 2 bosses guide!

Table of Contents

Index of Dark Souls 2 Guides:

Dark Souls 2 Boss Guide

Boss 1: The Last Giant

Welcome to the Dark Souls 2 Boss Guide! United Gamer will be your voice-over commentator showing you how to beat each boss fight in the game.

Boss 2: The Pursuer

Pretty difficult boss, but here’s a way to kill him in less than 7 seconds with 2 hits from the ballista weapon.

Boss 3: Old Dragonslayer

The boss battle from Dark Souls 1 returns. The Old DragonSlayer is easily avoidable for the kill.

Boss 4: Dragonrider

To summon the Dragonrider, be alive from a Human Effigy and then the soul sign will be in front of the mist.?

Boss 5: Flexile Sentry

Make sure to get a shield like the drangleic shield, and a decent weapon like the broadsword +4 to kill him easily.

Dark Souls 2 Boss Guide continues on Page 2 with Boss 6: Ruin Sentinels.