Titanfall: How To Wall Hang

Welcome to the “Titanfall: How To Wall Hang” guide. Find out how Pilots can stay stationary on walls and the various tactics you can use with this wall hanging technique to kill your enemies!

See the best methods to use wall hanging in combat.

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Titanfall: How To Wall Hang

How To Wall Hang: First run and jump up a wall. Then press down & hold the controller’s left analog stick (used to aim) right up the wall you’re on, and then clicking down on the left trigger.

This way you can hang on to a wall and still shoot nearby enemies with a surprise attack from any wall / corner. Although since you cannot aim down your gun’s sight, it does mean medium- to long-distance targets can’t be hit precisely.

This video guide shows which wall hang tactics to use in combat:

Credit: Engage Tutorials & EA Games