Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy Walkthrough

Puzzle 6: Frozen in Time

Puzzle 6 Solution: The easiest method is to work your way inwards from the sides of the puzzle. Although it’s solved through trial and error, it should be noted that the middle square should not be connected to an area with other squares.

Puzzle 7: Mutiny!

Puzzle 7 Solution:

It’s recommended that you play the video for 1 move, then pause, and continue this process for the rest of the moves in the puzzle.?

Puzzle 8: Reggie’s Slidy Ride

Puzzle 8 Solution:

Puzzle 9: Dial Trial

Puzzle 9 Solution:

Puzzle 10: Funky Hooks

Puzzle 10 Solution:

Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy Walkthrough continues on Page 3 with Puzzle 11: A Laborious Litre.