The Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Trophies guide lists every Trophy for this PS3 & PS Vita action-adventure stealth game and tells you how to get and unlock them.
Take a look below…
Table of Contents
Index of Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Guides:
- This Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Trophies Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Citizen E Locations Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Diary Pages Locations Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Alligator Eggs Locations Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Mayan Statuettes Locations Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Mushrooms Locations Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Bayou Fever Victims Locations Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Pocket Watches Locations Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Persona Missions Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Assassin’s Coins Locations Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Voodoo Dolls Locations Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Precious Stones Locations Guide
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Collectibles
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Walkthrough
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Cheats
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD: How To Make Money
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Glitches
- Next Page: Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Achievements Guide
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD PlayStation 3 Trophies Guide
There are 31 Trophies (8 Hidden) that can be earned in the PS3 version. Earn Bronze (8), Silver (19), Gold (3), and Platinum (1) Trophies to increase your Gamer Level.
Tip: Any items mentioned below that are collectible have been given their own dedicated locations page. Links to them all can be found in the “Index of Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Guides” list above.
1. Platinum Trophy (Platinum) — Collect all other 30 Trophies for this Trophy.
2. Complete 100% of all Mission Constraints (Silver) — Achieve 100% Synchronization in all Sequences.
3. Human Shields (Silver) — Block 10 shots or firing lines with a human shield.
First attract some enemies to the upper left corner of the New Orleans map.
Second, pay attention to the yellow triangle that enemies will show right before they shoot.
Third, press the X button (on PS3/Vita) / A button (on Xbox 360) to get a human shield before the gun shot hits you.
4. Collector (Silver) — Collect all diary pages, alligator eggs, Mayan statuettes, and mushrooms.
5. Persona Collector (Gold) — Collect every persona-specific collectible.
6. Machete (Bronze) — Kill 5 guards in 15 seconds using only the Sugarcane Machete (without using the Chain Kill).
Tip: Use the standard multi-killing method, whereby after killing an enemy, you quickly switch onto your next target and press the square button (on PS3/Vita) / X button (on Xbox 360). It really helps to throw down a smokebomb before you start your killing sequence.
7. Survivor (Silver) — Survive 10 animal encounters.
8. Shipmaster (Silver) — Buy the maximum number of ships (8).
Tip: Find The Headquarters location in New Orleans (1777) on your in-game map. Enter it and walk up the stairs to your desk to “Interact”, and consequently “Buy Ship” in each port on the displayed map.
9. Swamp Queen (Bronze) — Tree Run for 10 branches without touching the ground.
10. Death by Poison (Bronze) — Kill an enemy with a poison dart.
11. Secret Lives (Bronze) — Complete all persona-specific side missions.
12. Umbrella (Silver) — Kill 25 enemies with the Parasol Gun.
13. My 1st Dressing Chamber (Bronze) — Buy your 1st Dressing Chamber.
14. Buy All Dressing Chambers (Silver) — Buy every Dressing Chamber.
15. Thief (Bronze) — Pickpocket 5000 écu.
Tip: Find the Corrupt Magistrate locations in New Orleans (1777) on your in-game map. Pay and then immediately pickpocket each one.
16. Hangman (Bronze) — Perform 10 predator moves using the Whip.
17. One Watch is not Enough (Silver) — Collect all the pocket watches.
18. Poison (Bronze) — Use berserk poison to force an enemy to kill 5 enemies.
Location: You will unlock the berserk poison in DNA Sequence 3, Memory 4 “Vanishing Slaves”.
In the same memory is a great place to get this trophy or achievement. Some enemies will be guarding a convoy and you need to kill them. Shoot the guard in the white suit. With a bit of luck he will kill the other guards. If he dies before making 5 kills, you can pause the game and restart the checkpoint.
You can replay this memory at any time by going to “Database” – “DNA” in the pause menu.
19. RHP Master (Gold) — Synchronize all viewpoints.
20. Business Woman (Silver) — Complete every Business Rivals mission.
This video guide shows the various Business Rivals missions you can play throughout the game.
21. Ship Crew (Silver) — Complete every Ship Crew mission.
22. Bayou Fever (Silver) — Complete every Bayou Fever mission.
23. Liberation (Silver) — Complete every Free Slaves mission.
Hidden Trophy:
24. Sequence 1 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 1.
25. Sequence 2 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 2.
26. Sequence 4 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 4.
27. Sequence 6 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 6.
28. Sequence 8 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 8.
29. Complete Aveline’s Story (Silver) — Complete the game (fake ending).
30. The Truth (Gold) — Kill all Citizen E and experience the true ending.
31. Predator (Silver) — Kill an enemy from a tree, with the blowpipe, while using eagle vision.
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD PlayStation Vita Trophies Guide
Some trophies are exclusive to the PS Vita version, but a lot of the tips & video guides can be found in the PS3 Trophies section above.
There are 45 Trophies (12 Hidden) that can be earned in the PS Vita version. Earn Bronze (22), Silver (21), Gold (1), and Platinum (1) Trophies to increase your Gamer Level.
1. Platinum Trophy (Platinum) — Collect all other 44 Trophies for this Trophy
2. Complete 100% of all Mission Constraints (Silver) — Achieve 100% Synchronization in all Sequences
3. Human Shields (Silver) — Block 10 firing lines with a human shield
4. Diarist (Bronze) — Collect every diary page
5. Egg Hunter (Bronze) — Collect every alligator egg
6. Statuette Collector (Bronze) — Collect every Mayan statuette
7. Persona Collector (Silver) — Collect every persona-specific collectible
8. Machete (Silver) — Kill 5 guards in 15 seconds using only the Sugarcane Machete (without using the Chain Kill)
9. Climber (Bronze) — Climb 8848 meters
10. Survivor (Bronze) — Survive 5 alligator encounters
11. Charming (Bronze) — Charm 50 NPC’s
Tip: Using the Lady Persona, you can charm any character in the game world with a heart symbol on their head. Walk up to such a person and press the action button to charm him.
12. Disguised (Bronze) — Change your persona 50 times
Tip: Find the Dressing Chamber location in New Orleans (1777) on your in-game map.
13. Shipmaster (Bronze) — Buy the maximum number of ships (8)
14. Swamp Queen (Bronze) — Tree Run for 10 branches without touching the ground
15. Tree ninja (Bronze) — Complete 15 Air Assassinations from trees
Location: Go to the Bayou from the northern travel point in New Orleans and start to run North, following the roads and the bridges. Let all the guards you find during the run follow you, so that you can perform aerial assassinations on them from accessible trunks in the swamp.
Requirements: You need to have access to the fort located in the northern part of the Bayou. You can use this method while not on a mission. Remember to equip the Hidden Blades.
Tip: If you run out of guards before you killed 15, then just travel back to New Orleans and back to the Bayou again to make the guards respawn.
16. What is she doing? (Silver) — Kill 7 guards on rooftops in the Lady Persona
Locations: You can lure guards to the roof / balcony at the Governor’s House and Assassin’s HQ (balcony).
17. Notorious (Bronze) — Move through New Orleans for 10 minutes in the Assassin Persona
18. Deadly Haystack (Bronze) — Kill 50 enemies from haystacks using the Blowpipe
Requirements: Can only be done with the Assassin & Slave Personas.
Select the Blowpipe from your weapon wheel and fire the weapon by holding the Triangle button (on PS3/Vita) / Y button (on Xbox 360).
19. Umbrella (Bronze) — Kill 25 enemies with the Parasol Gun
20. My 1st Dressing Chamber (Bronze) — Buy your 1st Dressing Chamber
21. Buy All Dressing Chambers (Bronze) — Buy every Dressing Chamber
22. Thief (Silver) — Pickpocket 5000 écu
23. Hangman (Bronze) — Perform 10 predator moves using the Whip
24. Mushroom Queen (Bronze) — Collect all the mushrooms collectibles
25. Poison (Silver) — Use berserk poison to force an enemy to kill 5 enemies
26. RHP Master (Bronze) — Synchronize all viewpoints
27. Business Woman (Silver) — Complete every Business Rivals mission
28. Pirates (Silver) — Complete every Pirates mission
29. Bayou Fever (Silver) — Complete every Bayou Fever mission
30. Liberation (Silver) — Complete every Free Slaves mission
31. Fighter (Bronze) — Participate in 100 fights in multiplayer
32. Power master (Bronze) — Complete 30 economic missions in multiplayer
33. Completionist (Silver) — Reach the maximum player level in the multiplayer
Hidden Trophy:
34. Sequence 1 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 1
35. Sequence 2 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 2
36. Sequence 3 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 3
37. Sequence 4 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 4
38. Sequence 5 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 5
39. Sequence 6 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 6
40. Sequence 7 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 7
41. Sequence 8 (Silver) — Complete Sequence 8
42. Complete Aveline’s Story (Silver) — Complete the game (fake ending)
43. The Truth (Gold) — Kill all Citizen E and experience the true ending
44. Hanger (Bronze) — Hang an enemy on the gibbet at the Place d’Armes
Location: The Place d’Armes is the area where your first riot (with Blanc) takes place.
Requirements: First obtain the whip; Use the Assassin Persona.
Get the attention of a guard and lure him to the Gibbet, equip the whip and lock onto the target and hold the Triangle button (on PS3/Vita) / Y button (on Xbox 360) to hang the target.
45. Predator (Bronze) — Kill an enemy from a tree, with the blowpipe, while using eagle vision
Thanks to Kelvin & PowerPyx for the tips & guide videos.
Please comment if you have any trophy unlock tips of your own. Kudos will be given. – Thanks for visiting!