Zeno Clash 2 Moths Locations Guide

Welcome to the Zeno Clash 2 Moths locations guide that helps you find the total of 65 Moths locations for the PC, Xbox 360 & PS3 fighting action-RPG FPS game.

Finding 40+ Moths locations and picking them up will help unlock the following Achievements / Trophies:
* “Lepidopterist” — Collect 40 moths in Zenozoik.
* “Patron of the Arts” — Supply Thiloc with the moths he needs to complete his painting.
* Bonus: Collect 20 of the Moths to unlock all rooms from the Moth Side Quest.

The Timeline for all these in-game Moths locations is listed below.

Index of Zeno Clash 2 Guides:

Zeno Clash 2 Moths

How to find missing Moths?: In-game the Moths will appear simply as butterflies / moths of different colors, that have bright colors to stand out from the environment. You can pick it up to collect when you stand next to it. It can be confirmed as being Moths simply by walking up to it, as the on-screen cursor will change to a hand signifying you can press the action button/key to pick up the Moth.

Does the game save each Moths you collect?: Yes, the game will automatically save the Moths you just collected if you picked up the Moth, although it’s recommended you play to the end of the chapter so all your progress is definitely saved.

Where to find all Moths in Zeno Clash 2? The in-game collectibles locations for the Moths are described in this detailed video guide.
The Moths are listed in the video in the order that they appear.

Timeline in minutes for the Moths Locations Guide:

• 5 Moth Locations in Halstedom — 0:00
• 1 Moth Location in South Road — 1:29
• 5 Moth Locations in The Family Plaza — 1:41
• 4 Moth Locations in Outskirts — 3:51
• 6 Moth Locations in Canyon — 4:59
• 3 Moth Locations in Coast — 6:14
• 2 Moth Locations in Island — 7:49
• 12 Moth Locations in Rath-Bird Fields — 8:19
• 10 Moth Locations in Corwid Woods — 12:23
• 2 Moth Locations in Desert — 14:34
• 3 Moth Locations in Tiamte Territory — 14:57
• 2 Moth Locations in Endworld — 16:51
• 6 Moth Locations in Deep Woods — 18:04
• 4 Moth Locations in Mountain — 19:49

There you go! All Moths in Zeno Clash 2 are yours! 🙂
Although there are rumors there might even be a few more.

Huge thanks to TheAzureguy for the guide video and tips.

Please comment if you have any additional Zeno Clash 2 Moths location tips of your own, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting!