The Evil Within: The Assignment Walkthrough

Chapter 2: Crossing Paths

Let’s continue Juli Kidman’s side of The Evil Within story, where nothing is as it seems.
Here all Junction Box Fuse locations are found and the Junction Fuse Box parts puzzle gets solved.

Part 2 of Chapter 2: Includes the Joseph Oda boss fight, has the Angel Statue Puzzle Solved, and the location of the Search Light found.

Part 3 of Chapter 2: Includes the 3 Statue Puzzles solved, and a Shadow Man final boss encounter.

NOTICE: Juli Kidman’s story concludes sometime in the coming three months — between April and June 2015 — with the second part of her two-part story DLC titled “The Consequence”. Please check back with us then.

Thanks to Bethesda, Gamerzombie & GamerForEternity for the walkthrough videos.

Do you need help anywhere? Please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments section below. We’re here to help out!