Welcome to our The Last of Us wallpaper page!
Here we will post The Last of Us wallpapers and artwork images that you can use as desktop wallpapers. Most will be in 1920 HD and widescreen for you to download to your computer or PS3. We will add to this gallery as we find cool new The Last of Us wallpapers.
Click on a wallpaper in the gallery to see if it’s in 1920, 1680, 1280 or 1024 resolution.
To download to your PC computer: Right click on the Image. Select “Set as Background Image.”
To download to your Mac computer: Click Image to Download to Desktop. Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences. Click Desktop & Screen Saver. Click “Choose Folder…”.
The Last of Us action-adventure survival-horror game is about Joel and Ellie’s journey through a post-apocalyptic United States haunted by infected humans — it’s ok, you can call them zombies — and ill-willed survivors.
They’ll travel westward, traversing different climates, environments, and seasons. The moral dilemmas and decisions they’re forced to make will test the limits of their conscience and humanity. Who is a friend and who is a foe? The Last of Us explores many questions that deal with themes of loyalty, love, and redemption. offers players a multi-region open world experience and promises to be the best-looking RPG ever made to date. A mature, non-linear story based on player decisions, full of unexpected events and believable, memorable characters, with their own motivations and ambitions.
The game is coming out worldwide on June 14th, 2013 exclusively for PlayStation 3.
Here is the new extended The Last of Us TV spot.
Credit: Naughty Dog. These The Last of Us wallpapers are from the official The Last of Us website, as well as based off official artwork provided to us by Sony.