Crytek has just announced the Warface beta download is coming soon with beta program signups going live via the official website now!, the official web site for Crytek’s first free social FPS Service Warface, opened for closed beta sign-ups and gives everyone interested the possibility to reserve their unique Warface ID. The closed beta date isn’t set yet but will be announced soon in 2013.
Official description: “The game casts players as part of Warface, a select unit of elite warriors that have banded together to fight Blackwood – the ruling brute-force government. Featuring intense first-person shooter co-op and competitive multiplayer gameplay, with regularly added new content, Warface gives players plenty of level-up opportunities and various upgrades, keeping you on your toes and forcing you to switch up your combat strategies in the heat of battle – all for free.
Warface is powered by CryENGINE 3 making it not only an industry leader in visuals, but also highly accessible for all types of PC. It offers deep interaction with other players adding a level of team play and immersion never before seen in this type of game. Daily content updates in PVE combined with a thrilling, fast paced PVP mode that makes Warface a truly next-gen shooter.”
A new trailer – which shows the different classes – has also been released. See Crytek’s gorgeous free-to-play shooter in action here:
Want to see more? Here´s Warface co-op gameplay trailer:
Warface will first be released on Windows PC´s in Spring 2013, with possible Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 console releases `being suggested` by Crytek for the near future.