Darksiders 2 Walkthrough

Chapter 8: City of the Dead

Entering the City of the Dead

The Dead King has granted you passage to the City of the Dead. Travel to the City of the Dead across the haunted mists of the Dead Plains.

At the start of this chapter, you collect the Soul Splitter. This new tool allows you to be in two places at the same time, when moving as one physical form your other half turns into an invulnerable stone statue. Knowing that you can walk around while leaving the stone Reaper statue behind is key to solving the most difficult of the pressure switch puzzles.

The video guide will show you what steps to take to come to each puzzle’s solution.

Part 2 of the City of the Dead walkthrough.

After climbing up a level in the City of the Dead, get ready for more puzzles involving pressure switches and soul splitting!

Boss Fight: The Wailing Host

The Boss of the City of the Dead – The Wailing Host.

How to beat The Wailing Host Boss Fight tips:
This is the fourth story related boss fight in the game and it cannot be missed.
The Wailing Host is the endboss of the “City of the Dead” dungeon. The fight consists of 3 phases.
Phase #1) In the beginning the Wailing Host is alone and will attack you with some slow fist attacks. Simply attack his face or hands.
Phase #2) In the next phase the Wailing Host will disappear and you have to fight some small skeleton enemies.
Phase #3) After they are all dead the Host will come back, but he will keep summoning skeleton minions until the fight is over. Repeat what you previously did and press the Circle button on PS3 or B button on Xbox 360 when the button is displayed over his head. – Tips thanks to Powerpyx

After talking to the Crowfather, he’ll tell you to go to the Tree of Life. You must fast travel from the City of the Dead to the Tree of Life.
Glitch Note: If you get stuck here, quick save, sign in & out and see if that works.
Otherwise, if you’re having a problem with the missing portal. You should fast traveled back to the City of the Dead, go through the dungeon back to The Wailing Host boss fight, then through to where you meet the Crowfather. Next, you should fast traveled again back to the Tree of Death (not Life) and you’ll kickstart the rest of the dialogue with the Crowfather without him saying “Make haste to the tree.” Finish the dialogue and the portal opens. – Thanks for the tip LanceGesture
As you can see from the next guide video, you should make your way to Lostlight next.

Chapter 9: The Rod of Arafel

Lostlight & The Road to Earth

We must seek out The Key to Redemption at Lostlight. Lostlight is an outpost far beyond the gates of Heaven. Here the angels have hidden the Key to the Well of Souls.

Traverse to The Crystal Spire through the Angel Portal. Then you must defeat the corrupted angels. The former Hellguard, Nathaniel, who guards the key will let you through into the spire. Climb the spire to the top. There Archon tells you to get The Rod of Arafel from the White City of angels and return it to him to gain his help to clear a path into the citadel’s Key to the Tree of Life.


Travel to Earth to get closer to finding The Rod of Arafel.

On Earth you must find all the 3 pieces to complete the Rod of Arafel for Archon. Meet up with Uriel to help the Hellguard fend off an attacking swarm, then Uriel tells you where to find the pieces of the Rod of Arafel. She also gives you a high powered machine gun called Salvation, use it to kill the larger enemies, as well as the swarms of zombies. Keep talking to her and she’ll also give you the “Light of the Fallen” side quest.

After The Rod of Arafel is made whole, take it back through the portal to the Crystal Spire that’s next to Uriel.

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough continues on Page 6 with Chapter 10: Stains of Heresy.