Red Brick 10: Peril Finder
Description: This tenth Red Brick is called “Civilian in Peril Finder” as it’ll point you to the Civilians in Peril in your general area.
Location: Can be found at the Gotham Cathedral (East Side) area of Gotham City. Look for a yellow-question-mark Riddler box on the grounds near the Cathedral walls. Switch to the Riddler character to open it and reveal the red brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 50,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is RYD3SJ.
Where exactly to find the Peril Finder Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map & in-game location:
Red Brick 11: Red Brick Finder
Description: This eleventh Red Brick is called “Red Brick Finder”, as mentioned at the start of this guide, it’s best to find & enable this red brick first to get an in-game pointer to the rest of the red bricks. This red brick will point you towards all nearby red bricks in your general area, when you’re in the Gotham City open world hub. Awesome!
Location: It can be found in Gotham City’s West Docks (South Island). Look at the water where you must first play and win a RC ship battle against RC submarines to unlock this red brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 50,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is 5KKQ6G.
Where exactly to find the Red Brick Finder Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map & in-game location:
Red Brick 12: Regenerate Hearts
Description: This twelfth Red Brick is called “Regenerate Hearts” because if you get hit and lose hearts, your health bar hearts will now slowly recover until you’re at full health again.
Location: On the road towards Arkham Asylum, look at your right until you cliffs. There’s a cave with a Riddler box in it, switch to the Riddler character to open it to reveal the red brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 50,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ZXEX5D.
Where exactly to find the Regenerate Hearts Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map & in-game location:
Red Brick 13: Studs x2
Description: This thirteenth Red Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x2”. This and the other four Stud multipliers are very handy to turn on at the same time at the start of your game, because you’ll make your Stud counter number go up and up and up, so you’ll always have enough Studs to buy characters & vehicles, as well as easily get Super Hero status at the end of each level.
Location: Look for the red dot on your map. You will find this red brick in Gotham City (Central Island) at the power station. Play and win the RC racing game on the parking lot.
Where exactly to find this Red Brick is shown in the video guide below.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 100,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is 74EZUT.
This video guide shows you how and where to get 5 of the Studs Red Bricks.
Where exactly to find the Studs x2 Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map & in-game location:
Red Brick 14: Studs x4
Description: This fourteenth Red Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x4”.
Location: Look for the red dot on your map. You will find this red brick in Gotham City (South) at the power station, by the police station. Play and win the RC racing game on the parking lot.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 200,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?.
Where exactly to find the Studs x4 Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map & in-game location:
Red Brick 15: Studs x6
Description: This fifteenth Red Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x6”.
Location: Look for the red dot on your map. You will find this red brick in Gotham City (Central) at the factory with the iron fence in front of it. You’ll need Lex Luthor’s Deconstructor gun, which pulls apart the shiny Black Brick box that holds this Red Brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 300,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?.
Where exactly to find the Studs x6 Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map & in-game location:
Red Brick 16: Studs x8
Description: This sixteenth Red Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x8”.
Location: Look for the red dot on the bottom-right corner of your map. You will find this red brick in Gotham City (North) at the back of the building with the water tower on top. You’ll need Lex Luthor’s Deconstructor gun, which pulls apart the shiny Black Brick box that contains this Red Brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 400,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?.
Where exactly to find the Studs x8 Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map & in-game location:
Red Brick 17: Studs x10
Description: This seventeenth Red Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x10”.
Protip: Turn on all five stud score multiplier red bricks to multiply every single stud you collect times 3840!!
Location: Look for the red dot on the far-bottom-right of your map. You will find this red brick in Gotham City (South) in the Gotham Bank area behind a nondescript building. You’ll need Lex Luthor’s Deconstructor gun, which pulls apart the shiny Black Brick box that protects this Red Brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 500,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?.
Where exactly to find the Studs x10 Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map & in-game location:
Red Brick 18: Super Build
Description: This eighteenth Red Brick is called “Super Build” because it allows you to Build objects out of Lego bricks Super fast.
Location: Is found at the Gotham Park (Central Island) area of Gotham City. On the East Side of that park, look for a Riddler box next to a wall — in the area where a yellow lamp lights some bushes — near stairs. Switch to the Riddler character to open it and reveal the red brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 50,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is JN2J6V.
Where exactly to find the Super Build Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map & in-game location:
Red Brick 19: Vine Grapples
Description: This nineteenth Red Brick is called “Vine Grapples” that lets grapple guns (like Batman, Robin & Batgirl have) fire vines instead of wires.
Location: It’s located at the Ace Chemicals (Central Island) area of Gotham City. Use a character that can fly (like Superman) to look from above for a window with green light coming from it, behind the gate on the south side of the building. You’ll see a Joker box in the corner, switch to The Joker character to open it and reveal the red brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 50,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is JXN7FJ.
Where exactly to find the Vine Grapples Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map & in-game location:
Red Brick 20: Invincibility
Description: This twentieth Red Brick is called “Invincibility” because when you turn it on your characters can no longer be hurt by anyone or anything.
Location: It’s on top of Wayne Tower. Use a character with flight ability like Superman to get up there and you’ll see a Riddler box. Now switch to the Riddler character to open it up and to reveal the red brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 200,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Invincibility Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map & in-game location:
Thanks to Doug for the guide videos and red brick tips.
If you have any questions or red brick tips please post them below! Thanks!