Let’s Talk: Gamer Habit 8: Oh, My Heart!

Here is another Gamer Habits video. Todays habit? “Oh, My Heart!”

Now we all know as hardcore gamers that there are certain shared tendencies and similarities. Whether its turning up to work with a ‘gaming hangover’ or swinging the controller around to aid in movement – we all do it and should take pride in our habits.

Take a look at the newest Gamer Habit video!


The “Oh, My Heart” habit can strike many times in a game for a variety of different reasons!

For example, this mock heart-attack may occur when a playable character falls from a great height, walks off a ledge and/or jumps for the wrong platform. It may also be brought on by a sudden and seemingly impossible boss fight or the feeling of impending, in-game doom.

But, more often than not, this sudden heart palpitation will also be followed by a cold sweat, jitters and the ‘oh crap’ feeling that last-gen gamers knew so well…

So do you succumb to the same habit? Perhaps you only do this with specific games? Please leave your comments and opinions below!

Here are the previous episodes in this series: