“Nerdy News” is a mini-news show geared towards gamers, technosexuals, and all other geeky peeps.
In this sixtieth episode of Nerdy News, I’ll be reporting on:
- 343 Industries drops more hints about the baddies of Halo 4.
- BioWare receives some delicious protests over Mass Effect 3.
- Nobody knows when Super Mario Brothers was first released in the US!
- A Bill seeks to add cigarette-like warning on video games.
Here’s the new episode of Nerdy News!
What do you think?
Who would you like to see Master Chief face in Halo 4? Are sweet treats a better way to let a a game developer know how fans feel? Are you curious about Super Mario Bros. release date or could you care less?
If you have any advice or tips on how I can improve these videos let me know in the comments! Thanks for all of your opinions! ^_^