Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough

Chapter 3: Menae – Rescue Turian Primarch

Let’s go visit the Palaven moon Menae. General Conrinthus orders the Shepard and his team to repair the Comm Tower, so contact can be achieved with Palaven Command. We also meet up with an old friend.

Palaven’s largest moon has been shrouded in secrecy since the dawn of the turian space age. During the Krogan Rebellions, the Hierarchy classified nearly all data on Menae, and its sister moon Nanus, because they feared the krogan could use the moons as weapons by smashing them into Palaven’s surface. However, some information has leaked out. Images of turian bases where personnel walk without enviro-suits indicate advanced infrastructure — likely a network of subterranean tunnels with powerful mass effect field generators that retain heat and atmosphere over swaths of the surface. — The Reapers’ plans for bombarding bases were met with fierce resistance by the turian fleet and the moon’s antiaerospace defenses…

Yes! It’s about time we were able to recruit Garrus!

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough for Part 2 of “Menae”.

Clearing out the camp to get to General Victus.

Interlude 2: EDI Goes Offline

Back on the Normandy SR-2 speaking with Hackett, Victus, and EDI.

The Enhanced Defense Intelligence, or EDI, serves as an information source and cyberwarfare defense system on the rebuilt Normandy SR-2. The ship’s crew can access EDI at any terminal or through radio contact. — During an attack from a Collector vessel, pilot Jeff “Joker” Moreau gave EDI full access to the Normandy’s systems, allowing the ship to escape. Although EDI retains the control that Moreau gave her, she is usually content to advise the organic crew members who fly and maintain the ship.

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough for Part 2 of “EDI Goes Offline”.

Catching up with an old friend. Gotta love Garrus, he’s back two seconds on the Normandy and already calibrating the giant gun haha! He’s wise, though.
To quote Garrus: “I know it looks bad now, but I think we can win this, Shepard. For the first time since we met, we’re not alone in the fight. It’s something I learned long ago in C-Sec: An imminent and painful death has a way of motivating people. – Instead of questioning your every word, whole civilizations are giong to be begging you to save them.”

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough for Part 3 of “EDI Goes Offline”.

Getting sorted with James, down in the Shuttle Bay. Also chatting with Specialist Traynor, and with EDI about free will.

Hint: Your Captain’s Cabin has an Armor Locker, so you can access Appearance and beef up your Armor Set parts. It’ll help you boost health/shield, increase shield regeneration & ammo capacity, and improve the rest of your armor to take less damage from power, weapons, headshots & melee attacks. – Or you can dress more casual on-board, should the need arise.

On the next page we continue the walkthrough with Chapter 4: The Citadel 2.