Modern Warfare 3 Walkthrough

ACT III: Stronghold

Task Force members Yuri and Price infiltrate an old castle near prague which Makarov uses to cache weapons. The place is a fortress with thousands of Makarov’s gunmen guarding it.

Move forward and follow Price, jump down off the ledge and into the vehicle area, there will be some sneaking around under cars and trucks to be done.

You will need to take out the lone enemy and slit his throat!

After you have taken him out, you will need to wait for your signal and head across the area.

You will need to be really quite, staying out of the spot light and take out enemies quietly.

Whilst your crawling under the platform, you will need to plant some c-4 it will show and tell you how you can plant it.

Follow Price into the security office, you will be able to take out the couple of guards.

Keep following Price, there will be a couple of weapons on the floor you can pick up, you will also need to change over to your night vision, there will be a group of enemies to take out.

Remember to stay low and be quite.

After you have cleared out the enemies in the night vision section, you will need to take out the large group of enemies in the chamber, you will need to throw a flair to give you some lights.

Make sure you keep in cover and take out the enemies, you will also need to reload and use short bursts of fire.

Keep follow your objective marker.

You will be able to make your way in and out of rooms to take out the last few enemies.

Follow Price up the ladder and along the scaffolding.

Place a bomb on the door and stand back, you will need to slink along the plank on the scaffolding, keep following old Price.

ACT III: Stronghold Part 2

Once you have made it into the room, you will need to keep low and in cover until the enemies make a move.

You will need to keep following Price, but you will be able to move forward and take out the enemies, there will be a ton of enemies and they will have a load of weapons, you will be able to get your hands on a rocket launcher that will help you a ton.

Make sure you take some cover and take out the enemies whilst your making your way through the building.

Keep taking cover and everything will be fine, make sure you pick up weapons lying on the floor which can regain you some ammo.

There will be a couple of flash bangs you will need to watch out for, but you can retaliate with a couple of grenades.

Keep following on with Price making your way in and out of the buildings take down the enemies.

You will need to make your way out onto the balcony, there are enemies waiting here for you along with a chopper, use your rocket launcher to deal with the chopper, make sure you stick in cover and take out the enemies.

Use your sniper riffle to take out the enemies in the distance, once you have cleared out the enemies, you will need to deal with the enemies on the ground below, throw a couple of grenades if you have any remaining and use your rocket launcher.

Keep moving towards your maker taking out the enemies as your proceed forward.

Jump into the Jeep and take out the enemies as your speeding towards them.

ACT III: Scorched Earth

The president’s daughter is Makarov’s next target. He wants to kidnap her in order to make the president, who is already in his power give him the atomic bomb codes. Delta Forces are keen to protect her from Makarov and so move in to berlin where she is hiding in a building.

you will start this mission in the chopper, once you have landed on the roof, you will need to take out the enemies that will be located here.

You will need to make your way to the top of the building, whilst your making your way to the top of the building, you will need to take out all the enemies that are wondering around.

Once you have cleared them out, you will need to head through the office area and keep taking the enemies out in this area.

Keep on following on with Sandman, once you have reached your checkpoint, you will need to make your way up the stairs and secure the area, use your grenades and flash bangs to help you clear the area.

You will need to use your sniper riffle to protect the friendlies located in the building across the way, use the scope to sneak up on them and take them out quickly.

You will need to look on the ground below and take out the enemies located on the ground too.

You will need to use the A-10 to take out the tank and enemies below on the street.

Once you have cleared them out, you will need to use the A-10 once again to clear out the remaining tanks.

Once you have got your command, make your way over to the Rappel station and Rappel down to the target building.

Once at your marker, it is time to take out all the enemies to secure the area.

Moving through the streets, you will be able to use the cars and other debris to protect yourself from the enemies.

Once you have cleared out the street, move forward towards your marker following on with your team.

Stick behind the tanks and follow on until you reach the hotel, make sure you have enough ammo and take out all the enemies.

Moving forward you will need to use the tanks as protection.

Make sure you take cover whilst your moving forward with the tanks, they do provide some protection but having a bit extra will give you the benefit of the doubt and not have to restart.

There will be many enemies located in the buildings, make sure you take care of them.

Keep following on with Sandman in and out of the buildings, whilst your moving through the buildings, use your Frags to distract the enemies then take them out.

Make your way towards the girl, you will then be blasted to the ground, you will need to get up and start to shoot the enemies!

ACT III: Down the Rabbit Hole

Delta Forces and Taskforces join forces in a desperate attempt to rescue the president’s daughter from Makarov deep iside a Siberian Mine before He has time to blackmail the president into giving him the atomic bomb codes.

Welcome to the second last mission.

Making your way down the lift into the ground, our mission is to find and rescue the President Vorshevsky.

Whilst your still going down in the lift, you will need to shoot the enemies. Once you have reached your checkpoint, you will need to put on your night vision, once you have put on your night vision, you will be in a full battle against your enemies!

Throw every grenade you have as well as your flash bangs to try thin out your enemies.

Once you have taken out the first wave, you will need to keep on following with Sandman taking out enemies in the mines.

There will be a ton of enemies you will need to defeat, whilst your taking them out, remember to pick up any weapons you can find and take cover behind the crates.

Keep moving through the mines following on with Sandman taking out the enemies as you move through the checkpoints.

Truck will then open a door, where you will need to move through and take out all the enemies trying to run up the stairs.

In this section there will be a ton of enemies you will need to take out, whilst your taking out the enemies, make sure you follow on with your Sgt.

Make your way up the stairs clearing out the enemies as you move up the stair well.

Once you have made it back out into the open, there will be a ton more enemies to take out.

Once you have cleared them out, you will need to watch where your Sgt is and move with him.

Jump down onto the ground pushing forward towards your checkpoint.

You will be able to use your UAV to take out the enemies below.

Once you have used your UAV get back down on the ground and start shooting, listen to the commands, if they tell you to use your UAV use it!

It is a great help.

You will eventually be back underground, once you have placed the bomb on the door and take out the enemies in the room.

You will need to keep having a look for the president, whilst your looking for him, head down the stairs and take out the enemies that will be swarming the area below.

Make your way down the rope to the area below, head over and rescue the president.

Take out the enemies whilst your doing this, remember to get your self into cover.

Following on with Price, you will need to place a bomb on the floor and activate it, once you have fallen through the floor, you will see the president being help hostage, take out the enemies that are holding him captive.

Once you have the president, you will need to make your way back through the area and over to the chopper!

You will be blasted down, you will need to pick yourself up and take out a couple remaining enemies.

ACT III: Dust to Dust

The objective is to kill Makarov.

Welcome to the last mission!

It is time to Kick some BUTT!

You are now in your suits, you will be able to get into action and take out everything that stands in your path! Remember this is for SOAP!

You will need to follow on and keep taking out all the enemies you stand and come into contact.

Keep making your way through the building taking and tearing everything out of its path.

Make your way towards your marker, you will need to make your way up the escalators and move forward.

Keep moving forward taking out the enemies whilst you move towards your marker.

Make your way into the lift and head up, whilst your making your way up the lift, you will need to shoot through the glass and take out the chopper in front of you.

Once you have shot it down your suits will be shredded!

You will need to jump over to the new lift that Nick has got for you.

Make your way out of the lift and step foot! There is the timer on the side that shows how long you have to get Makarov, make sure you move towards your maker taking out the enemies as you move forward.

There aren’t that many enemies to take out but make sure whilst your taking the last enemies out you take cover.

Use your grenades and flash bangs to help you get to Makarov quicker.

Watch out for the chopper firing rockets into the building! You will have a quick button pressing sequence. Make your way over the broken building and head to your marker, once you have made it onto the roof, you will need to run for that chopper and jump!

Once you are inside the chopper, press the button shown on your screen to bring the chopper down with you and Makarov inside.

Once you have landed, you will see him trying to escape.

Press the buttons on your screen when indicated to.

The Ending. It shows breaking news of US-Russian peace negotiation. World leaders converge on the White House for peace talks. Congratulations on finishing the game!

Do you need help anywhere? Please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments section below. We’re here to help out!