Super Mario 3D Land Wallpaper (HD)

Welcome to our Super Mario 3D Land wallpapers page!

Here we will post images that you can use as desktop wallpapers, both official and otherwise. Most will be 1080p HD and widescreen for you to download to your computer or PS3. We will add to this list as we find cool new wallpapers for the game. Note that we do not own nor did we create these wallpapers. Thanks to the prospective creators (whose names are kept in the filename of the image) for their creations.

Super Mario 3D Land is the epic 3DS killer-app that fans and gamers everywhere have been waiting for. Highly anticipated, the game will give you new and never-before-seen perspectives on Mario while returning the series to its roots, while evolving it and making full use of the key features of the 3DS, including stereoscopic 3D and motion controls.

To download to your PC computer: Right click on the Image. Select “Set as Background Image.”

To download to your Mac computer: Click Image to Download to Desktop. Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences. Click Desktop & Screen Saver. Click “Choose Folder…”.

Once you click on a wallpaper in the gallery, you’ll see if it’s in 1920, 1680, 1280 or 1024 resolution.

Here is a video of Super Mario 3D Land in action.

Index of Super Mario 3D Land Guides: