Our Uncharted 3 walkthrough will guide you through the beginning to ending moments of gameplay with strategy tips for this PS3 exclusive action-adventure cap on the epic trilogy.
Prepare for epic adventure in Uncharted 3 as the fortune hunter Nathan Drake is propelled into the search for the fabled Atlantis of the Sands within the very heart of the harsh Arabian Desert. As the terrible secrets of the mysterious lost city are, quite literally, unearthed, your quest will take you into a desperate fight for survival that may strain the very endurance of the man who must confront his own deepest fear.
Uncharted 3 is rated T for Teen.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Another Round
- Chapter 2: Greatness From Small Beginnings
- Chapter 3: Second-Story Work
- Chapter 4: Run to Ground
- Chapter 5: London Under Ground
- Chapter 6: The Chateau
- Chapter 7: Stay In The Light
- Chapter 8: The Citadel
- Chapter 9: The Middle Way
- Chapter 10: Historical Research
- Chapter 11: As Above As Down Below
- Chapter 12: Abducted
- Chapter 13: Rough Sea’s
- Chapter 14: Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’
- Chapter 15: Sink Or Swim
- Chapter 16: One Shot At This
- Chapter 17: Stowaway
- Chapter 18: The Rub’ al Khali
- Chapter 19: The Settlement
- Chapter 20: The Caravan
- Chapter 21: Atlantis of the Sands
- Chapter 22: Dreamers of the Day
Index of Uncharted 3 Guides:
- This Page: Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Video Guide
- Next Page: Uncharted 3 Treasures Locations
- Next Page: Uncharted 3 Trophies
- Next Page: Uncharted 3 Weapons
- For Fun: Uncharted 3 Wallpaper
Uncharted 3 Walkthrough
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception is an epic and unique third-person action adventure exclusively for PS3 which mixes platform and shooting gameplay to create another AAA must-buy PlayStation 3 title.
Drake’s Deception is the third entry in the award-winning series and continues the swashbuckling, treasure-hunting adventures of Nathan Drake as he explores and battles his way through a variety of diverse and challenging environments and epic set pieces of action and thrilling adventure. Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception offers an incredibly interactive cinematic experience, stereoscopic 3D graphical support, an epic single-player campaign and online, as well as offline, multiplayer support.
Key Game Features:
- Drake’s Deception offers an epic interactive experience that is as cinematic as a Hollywood film and blurs the line between movies and interactive videogames.
- Face all-new challenges through some stunning new environments from throughout the world, places that include a derelict chateau in France and a trek through the merciless Arabian Desert.
- The epic single player story-based gameplay fans know and love returns along with evolved mechanics and features; offering the best gameplay yet offered in the Uncharted series.
- Take multiplayer action adventure gameplay to a new level in Uncharted 3’s online play; Which brings the exciting cinematic action elements of the main quest into the muliplayer game.
- Stereoscopic 3D allows you to experience the thrill of Uncharted in a whole new dimension.
Chapter 1: Another Round
Hey there everyone! Welcome to Uncharted 3!
Once you have finished the cut-scene, you will need to press the appropriate buttons to attack the enemies located in the room.
Once you have finished trying to defeat the guys in the room above, one of them will throw you out of the window and you will land on the bar table below.
It is time for round 2! Keep pressing the buttons on your screen to fight against the enemies.
You will then have a one on one with the large brute! Keep pressing the on screen buttons to fight against the brute!
Once you have defeated him, you will need to make your way out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where you will need to take out a couple of enemies.
Heading through the back door once you have defeated them, you will then enter a cut-scene.
Chapter 2: Greatness From Small Beginnings
Welcome to Chapter 2!
You will have gone back in time, you will now be playing a young Drake and we will also be learning how to use our journal.
Make your way through the museum, it is time to head upstairs and look for a ring, you will be able to have a look in the cases to have a look what they hold.
The ring is located up stairs in the middle row in the second case.
You will enter a cut-scene once you have found it.
After being thrown out of the museum, you will need to follow on with the man who opened up the case, whilst your following him, you will need to use your CIRCLE button to take cover, you don’t want to be seen.
Use cars, and vegetable carts for protection, you will be able to pick up the fruit and veg but be prepared to be thrown!
Keep following on with the guy with the green shirt, heading through the large wooden door after you have headed through the meat section.
He will head indoors, you will need to use the electricity box to get onto the window ledge, use the air-cons to pull yourself up higher and the pipe, you will be able to use the poles that are holding the balcony up to make your way over to the ledge under the window where the man is located.
You will then need to pull yourself up and peek through the window to activate a small cut-scene.
Time to make your way down, heading to the right onto the pipe and onto the balcony, you will be able to see the guy leave and walk below you.
Use the 24 hour sign to jump over to the ledge, pulling yourself up, you will need to jump over onto the roof and down the green,red and gold sign, you will be able to jump onto the blue cart below.
Once you have landed on the ground, head up the stairs and start to follow on once again.
Chapter 3: Second-Story Work
You now have his wallet!
Jumping off the roof onto the rope, make your way across the rope and onto the roof.
Once you are on the roof, you will need to jump up onto the smaller roof and onto the roof on the left, head over the hanging laps and onto the roof below, you will need to run across the roof of the museum and into the open window.
You will enter a cut-scene of Drake opening the case.
After the cut-scene ends its time to RUN!
Make your way up the stairs and out of the window, keep running up the stairs and head through the door and squeeze through the gate, jumping over the edge along the roof, heading to the right and over the balcony of the blue house.
Jumping onto the roof of the blue house, you will need to jump over to the peach coloured house and use the small roof platforms to get onto the next houses balcony, keep jumping over the roofs and up the windows of the light blue house.
You will fall down the roof and end up in someone’s kitchen!
Make your way through the bedroom and out of the bedroom window, once out of the window you will need to make your way across the balcony and and up the ledge near the umbrella, head across the street lamp and over the last couple of roofs.
You will then enter a cut-scene.
Chapter 4: Run to Ground
After the cut-scene, you will be running through the alley, heading through the small gap in the wall.
Make your way over the fence, you will need to wait out until your team open the gate for you.
Keep follow them on, you will need to push the yellow trailer against the garage and head over.
You will then enter a cut-scene.
Once you have finished watching the cut-scene, you will need to follow on with your two tram mates, you will need to make your way up the pipe near the door to look for a way in, the pipe will break and you will need to make your way along the guttering on the roof.
Make your way over the roof and jump up onto the pipes near the satellite dish, head over the lamp and across onto the sign, you will need to make your way into the window at the end.
Make your way down using the pipes to help you stay quite.
Once you have made it down onto the ground, you will need to make your way over to the green garage door and lift it up.
Once you have lifted up the garage door, you will enter a cut-scene.
After the cut-scene, you will need to locate the four tire tracks on the floor, you will need to head over and stand on the four slabs that indent when you stand on them.
When you stand on one, you will activate a cut-scene.
After the cut-scene, you will need to have a look at the wall located behind you, you will see two lights stuck on the wall, shine your torch at the wall, Sully will shine his too, this will cause the wall to move and open.
After the cut-scene, you will need to make your way into the tunnel, make your way through the service tunnel, you will come to a gate that is locked, it is our job to find another way round.
There is a door located on the right that has a bolt on it, you will need to shoot the bolt to open the door.
Time to head through the pipe work, once you have squeezed through, you will need to watch out for the enemies located through the open door, take out the enemies using your pistol.
Once you have taken the first couple out, move into the area and take out the remaining couple of enemies, you will then need to make your way up the yellow ladder and across the bridge.
Jump down off the ledge and head through the door, there will be a large drop below you, use the pipes to help you jump down to the bottom.
Once you have made it to the bottom, you will need to head through the open door, watch the door in front of you for torch lights, you will be able to crouch down and take down the enemies as they enter the room your in.
Heading through the door, you will need to make your way up the pipes and onto the ladder above.
Once you have made it to the top, you will need to climb up the pipes and move your way around to the right, under and over the vents to pull the lever.
Once you have pulled the leaver, you will need to pull yourself up onto the platform and head through the door.
Make your way over the bridge and head through the passage door on the right.
Keep following the tunnel until you reach London Underground.
Chapter 5: London Under Ground
Welcome to Chapter 5!
You will enter a cut-scene,once you have watched the cut-scene, you will need to make your way up the ladder and across the pipe, you will then need to keep on going up the ladders and along the pipes over to the counter weight.
Be patient is might take a while for him to decide he actually wants to make the jump across. Once the two guys have made it under the door, you will need to make your way along the frame above and jump over to the guttering/ ledge above.
Make your way across until your able to jump across to the chandeliers.
Once you have made it across the chandeliers, head down the pipe work on the wall, you will then need to assassinate the enemy in front of you.
You will then meet back up with your team and head across the plank and up the stairs, you will then need to take out the two men who come through the hole in the wall.
Keep moving forward, and have a wonder around the room, make your way up the large wooden staircase, you will then enter another cut-scene with Old Grandma! Gosh she hasn’t aged a day.
Once the cut-scene ends, you will need to head over the ledge and jump onto your enemy, moving forward you will then need to use the crates for cover whilst your moving into assassinate the second enemy.
Make your way over to the table to activate a cut-scene.
The golden Deer head is located on the middle post behind the table, look up to find it.
Uncharted 3 Walkthrough – Chapter 5: Part 2
Make your way over to the fireplace and head over to the post, use the paintings on the posts to help you get across to the Golden Deer.
When you have dropped down with the Head, you will enter a cut-scene with the map.
Once you have finished the short cut-scene, you will need to use every pillar,post and crate for protection whilst you take out all the enemies.
Once you have taken out the enemies in the room, you will need to make your way through the tunnel on the left taking out the enemies as you go.
You will need to make your way through the underground taking out all the enemies as you proceed forward.
Remember use the crates as protection whilst your taking out all the enemies.
Keep moving forward through the train station taking out the enemies as you proceed forward, you will be able to pick up the enemies guns once you have defeated them.
After you have cleared the station of enemies, keep moving through the station taking out the enemies as you move, heading up the stairs, shooting as you move through the underground.
Clear out the room and head for the yellow ladder located on the left hand pillar. This will lead you to an upper level.
Keep head up the stairs and through the tunnels.
Watch out as there will be enemies with infrared riffles.
After you have taken them out, keep moving forward through the North Atwood Station.
Clear out the station of the enemies and head through the tiled tunnels and up the stairs into the station.
You will need to take out the enemies, move forward and take out the enemies, you will need to use the crates and pillars and protections whilst your taking out the enemies.
Once you have cleared the enemies, keep moving forward and head up the stairs.
There will be gate on the right hand side that is locked, you will need to head back and crouch down behind the green crate taking out the enemies.
Shoot the lock and head through the gate.
You will then enter a cut-scene.