Rage Walkthrough Video Guide (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Wellsprings – Job Board: Missing person

Before going to see the Major, Take this opportunity to go do some free roaming or side quests. When your ready to do some more missions or quest, go stock up on ammo and supplies.

I decided to do the Side quest Missing persons so I can could get the collector card which could not be collected previously. In this side quest you need to go search the ghost hideout for signs of the kidnapped citizen.

Part 2 of the Rage walkthrough for Wellsprings – Job Board: Missing Person

When you go back to the Ghost hideout, go through the hideout as previously, but this time use a lock grinder to open the door. Inside this room you will find the COLLECTOR CARD: GHOST PISTOL, some Feltrite (2) and there will also be a Night Blossom.

Once you leave the hideout, go over the bridge and follow to the path to your buggy. Opposite the crushed blue car on your right. Look to the left you will find a Comet Bloom by a rock.

On your way back there will be two jumps to look out for. If you looking for more plants, there is a night blossom where you did the radio tower mission hidden in a small cave. Previously it was not in bloom, but if you go back there now it should be ready for you take.

By the Mutant Tv Bash Entrance you can find a Desert Spore. There are only 11 of them to collect throughout the game. When you are parked outside the mutant tv entrance go to the left. It will be all the way down by some rocks opposite the wall. You should be able to spot it quite easily

There will be a few more locations I will show you along the way. But for now return to wellsprings for the next mission. Go speak to the Major and resupply if you need to.

Mission 8: Feltrite Crater

After seeing the Major and accepting the next mission, leave wellsprings, on your way to the location you’re heading to, there will be a slope to the left. This is where one of the jumps can be done. When you boost up there it will be a dead-end. To the left of the mailbox you will find another Desert Spore.

Now continue your mission. The Major needs you to get a sample of the feltrite that the bandits have found. The path to the crater is defended by a couple of bandit watch towers as well as bandit vehicles. When you get to the refinery, Blast the two bandits hiding behind the barrier.
Before going up the stairs, Go look inside the container to your right. There you will find the COLLECTOR CARD: SHROUDED MINIGUN. As you approach up the stairs, two more bandits will appear from the roof of the small office trailer. Take them down before they take you out. Now that its safe, approach the center of the platform. There will be a switch you need to activate. After a few seconds later, a small chamber in the machinery opens, revealing a bright blue sample of feltrite. Grab the sample, and as your leaving there will be another bandit that will appear from the roof of the small office trailer.

Mission 9: Feltrite Sample

Go back to wellsprings and see Mayor Clayton. Give him the sample and he will pay you $200. He wants to know what this sample is and needs you to take the sample to Kvasir. Before leaving go to Sally and see her. While you’re in the bar, look for Richard sitting down at one of the tables.

Miracle Cure

His Wife is ill and he needs a night blossom to complete his recipe. He wants you to find him a night blossom by Crazy Joe’s Swamp. If you already have a night blossom on you and accept this mission, it will automatically give him the night blossom and it will be completed. If this happens, you will still benefit from going to Crazy Joes swamp to collect all the night blossoms and Desert Spores there.

Now make your way to Kvasir’s lab.

If your interested in collecting more Desert Spores, there will be one by the Northern Watch Tower. Go inside, pass the guard and look to your right. It will be on the ground near the tower. Also while your there, go towards the wall. If you go to the right and walk up the slope by the building you should be able to see the Third Goal post.

Next Stop, As you come out of the Watch Tower go right and follow the road all the way down. There will be some bandits so stay alert. After the Bandit Machine Gun Tower keep going a little further. Directly to your left there will be a Side Path (Slope) Go up there and near the mailbox up there is a large rock that looks like a mushroom. Between that rock and another smaller rock you will find another Desert Spore. Next quick stop is Crazy Joe’s Swamp which is near the Mutant Bash TV Station.

Part 2 of the Rage walkthrough for Mission 9

If you haven’t already got this, then continue towards the swamp. But if you haven’t, got the COLLECTOR CARD: CRAZY JOE then go inside the cabin and pick the card up from the table top. As your making you way through the swamp, look on the left and right to find the Night blossoms.I found about 5 night blossoms but only about 3 where ready for you to take but the other two were not ready, so you will have to come back another time to collect them. further down the swamp is a crater, inside this crater near the middle you will find two desert spores.

After this mission is complete, you will be given the Apophis Infusion Recipe by richard. Okay, now time to get back. When you get to Kvasir’s Lab, take out the bandit machine gun tower. As you’re heading towards the bridge to press the intercom. Go to the left side of the bridge, there will be another Desert Spore on the ground. From there keep going towards your left, pass the mailbox and look near the rock to find the COLLECTOR CARD: SENTRY BOT.

Now go press the intercom and then a balloon-like airship raises from the ground and extends the bridge.

Part 3 of the Rage walkthrough for Mission 9

Cross the bridge and press the switch on the other side to activate the lift to the lab. Go inside Kvasir’s Lab and place the feltrite sample on the metal tray. A mechanical arm descends and takes the sample away for analysis. Kvasir needs to run more test on the sample, a process that will take some time. He will then take notice of you. He instantly recognizes you as an Ark survivor. Kvasir feels you may be of some use to the resistance, but realizes you won’t last long in a firefight with your standard internal defibrillator. He can get you an upgrade for your defibrillator if you travel to the Dead City and get him the equipment he needs.

Defibrillator Upgrage

You need to make your way to the sewers to get into the Dead City. Follow your minimap to this area. You want to find the hospital to retrieve the Defibrillator Upgrade. Follow the trail to a massive drainage pipe. Just to the right of this pipe on the ground you will find the COLLECTOR CARD: ENFORCER. Keep going forward to find the entrance to the Dead City.

Part 4 of the Rage walkthrough for Mission 9

Move through this old tunnel packed with abandoned cars. There seems to be something massive walking above, causing dust to fall from the ceiling with each step it takes. Some mutants will start coming at you. Easier to use Wingstick or shotgun on them. Look out for a doorway on the left side of the tunnel. Just inside this doorway is another mutant as well as a shelf holding a wide variety of ammo.

Go up the stairs and they will lead you to the street. There will be a Massive Mutant in the distance. That’s what you heard earlier. At the moment this massive mutant will not be taking any notice of you. But the smaller mutants will. Take them out. As the mutant attack dies down, a massive explosion rocks the street ahead. Soon the tall Mutant Comes into view carry what appears to be a huge grenade launcher. While fighting him keep a look out for smaller mutants attacking as well. While attacking this mutant make sure you have bandages ready incase you get hit. Keep attacking and eventually he will fall down. Now that he is down enter the nearby building. When you enter this building you will find its a dead-end. Grab the ammo off the tables and get ready for more mutants. They will come crawling through the windows and cracks in the floor. Use your shotgun or wingsticks to take them out.

Once this is over, a door will fall open, clearing a path to the next area. When you go through to this next area, there will be two mutants shooting fireballs at you. Use your sniper rifle and take them out. As your making your way down the path, more mutants will come towards you. Again just use your wingsticks. There will be a drain pipe at the base of the building. Drive the RC Bomb Car through the small opening to enter a room filled with supplies.Go left to the next room and detonate the car near the yellow canisters by the door. You can now access the room. Go down the stairs and through the door where the frame is on fire. Directly to your right on a red toolbox/cabinet you will find the COLLECTOR CARD: LARGE MUTANT.

Make your way to the streets again and look out for more mutants. After a few minutes a large mutant with a tentacle-like arm will burst through a wall on the right. This large mutant is slightly smaller than the previous one you faced earlier. Open Fire and avoid his attacks. At times the tentacle mutant will charge directly at you or he will perform a whip-like attach with his tentacle arm. If the arm hits you, it inflicts heavy damage as well as impairs your vision with a slimy mucous. Once he is down, there will be a few more mutants to take out. The area should now be clear.

Part 5 of the Rage walkthrough for Mission 9

Go to the wall that the tentacle mutant broke through and look in the far left corner on the ground. That will be the COLLECTOR CARD: KRAKEN. The gate to the next area is locked and the switch that opens this gate is off. Follow the wire to the circuit breaker in the nearby storeroom. Activate the Circuit breaker on the wall. This will trigger an attack by a few mutants. Return to the locked gate and flip the switch. The gate will open allowing you to go down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, go right. In here you will find a different kind of mutant. Be careful as these mutants spite slime at you and making it hard to see. Don’t get to close to this mutant as there melee attacks are deadly. Once he is down, go through the double doors. This will lead you to the Shopping Mall.

As you go through the doors, look to left for the COLLECTOR CARD: SLIME MUTANT it will be on a table next to a light/Lantern and to your right there will be a small gate in front of the escalator blocking your path. Like the previous gate, it is operated by a switch that has no power. Follow the cable to a small shop where the cable goes under a security gate. When looking through this gate, look to the left to see some yellow gas tanks. Shoot these tanks until they explode. You should now be able to access this area. Go in and follow the cable. Pick up the ammo and I do suggest save. Once you have flipped the switch and power has been restored to the gate by the escalator. Look out for a slime mutant that will come running towards you. When you get near the gate another one will appear. As you turn the switch, the gate will slowly open, making a loud sounds. Get ready because you will not get ambushed by slime mutants and mutants.

Make sure to move around and not get trapped in a corner. Also have your bandages ready as you will need them. Once they are all down, go down the escalator and turn right to exit the mall. Outside the mall there’s a large crate with a variety of ammo spread across the top, including steel tipped bolts. There will be some mutants in the street below. Once the area is clear, go down the stairs to reach this street. Continue to the end of the street and look for an open door to your left. But be careful as they will be more mutants along the way.

Part 6 of the Rage walkthrough for Mission 9

As you enter will be able to hear some mutants nearby. Get your shotgun and take them out. When this area has been cleared, climb the set of steps at the back of this area (Shanty Town) there will be another locked door at the tops of the steps. Use a Lock Grinder to force your way inside.

Follow the stairs and corridors of the hospital to a large two tiered room. On the lower level grab the rocket launcher sitting next to the dispensary machine. That machine dispenses HE Rockets for your new weapon. Grab the rockets from the machine and then turn around. That giant mutant you saw earlier has found you. This is the mega mutant. Race up the steps to the second level to get a better view of him. He will tear away the outer wall. As he leans back, a glowing device is revealed. Take aim and shoot this weak spot when you see it.

When you hit them there he will stumble back. This will make him angry and decide to retaliate by launching a few projectiles of his own. As he grabs chunks of debris from the building, a red laser will appear from the top of his head. This is a targeting laser showing the impact point of the incoming debris. Move out-of-the-way. If you run out of rockets, just jump down and get some more. Make sure to time it right as the device only shows when he is about to throw something at you.

After hitting him in the chest, he will approach and attack at close range with his fists. Keep moving out-of-the-way and eventually he will get so frustrated and grab the building with both hands, shaking the structure. As he does this, a large glowing spot appears up top his head. Hit this spot with the rockets to stop him attacking. You will need to do this a few times and eventually he will collapse. With the impact of him falling this will open a doorway on the lower level.

Follow the stairs and corridors to the hospital’s main lobby. There will be a few mutants around so keep a look out. Go up the escalator and more mutants will appear, including a couple of shooting fireballs at you. Finish off the slime mutant first and then deal with the rest.

Part 7 of the Rage walkthrough for Mission 9

Keep moving forward until you come to a bloody corridor with a relatively clean room. This room is filled with medical supplies (Bandages etc) But most importantly the defibrillator upgrade is located on the counter just below the large blue display screen. Once you have picked up the upgrade there will be a few tremors shaking the building. Hold back as a few mutants will come charging through a doorway, next to the room’s entrance. Once you have taken them out. You can’t leave the hospital through the way you entered. Use the passage opened by the mutants to access a convenient stairwell leading back to the area where you first entered the dead city. Blast mutants and grab some items on the way out, then make your way back through the tunnel.

Its time to get back to Kvasir and see if he can install this defibrillator upgrade. Go back to your car, and make your way back to Kvasir’s Lab. Remember, there may be bandit vehicles in the area. He is happy to see you’ve made it back and helps install the defibrillator upgrade. You now have twice the resurrection power. Kvasir tells you that despite your new upgrade, the authority will catch up with you. He feels your future lies with the resistance. While you were gone, Kvasir completed his analysis of the feltrite sample. He says the bandits are refining the feltrite into an explosive accelerator. Kvasir has neutralized the sample and tells you to give it back to the Major.

The Major is troubled by Kvasir’s finding regarding the Feltrite sample, but is grateful for your help, he will hand you $200. Stop by the second chance bar to receive payment from sally for any bandit vehicles you destroyed during your extended outing.