Let’s Talk: Gamer Habits 5: Hoarding

Here is another Gamer Habits video. Todays habit? “Hoarding”

Now we all know as hardcore gamers that there are certain shared tendencies and similarities. Whether its turning up to work with a ‘gaming hangover’ or swinging the controller around to aid in movement – we all do it and should take pride in our habits.

Take a look at the video!


The “Hoarding” habit occurs when the player of a video game is faced with an abundance of items.

The habit itself is an obsessive compulsion to constantly pick up certain items to store (whether you will use them or not). It specifically applies to medicinal items, ammo and other useful objects.
In my case, medicinal items trump all other items.

So do you succumb to the same habit? Perhaps you like to hoard other items or don’t hoard at all! Please leave your comments and opinions below!

Here are the previous episodes in this series: