Resistance 3 Journals Locations Guide (PS3)

Graterford, PA

There are a total of 8 Journals during your time in Graterford, PA.

Chapter 14 – To The Lions

There are no Journals in this chapter.

Chapter 15 – The Encore

Journal 28: Letter to Mom #1
You will find this text journal in the next cell block over from where you start in your cell and escape. It will be lying on top of a bed inside a locked cell on the left, northern, side. You will need to go through one of the cells that has a hole in the wall leading to a back secret passage way that will get you inside the locked cell with the journal.

Journal 29: Letter to Mom #2
You will find this text journal inside of a secret passage way located on the left, western, side in the shower room. It will be lying on the ground next to a lit lantern. It will also be shortly before you come across and destroy the 2nd drone.

Journal 30: Letter to Mom #3
You will find this text journal inside an open cell in the 2nd cell area of cell block B. It will be on the ground in the middle of an eastern cell on the 2nd floor and before you come across and destroy the 3rd drone.

Journal 31: Letter to Mom #4
You will find this text journal just after destroying the 3rd drone and when you kill the enemy sniper in the doorway to the left of the drone. It will be inside the control room to the left of where you killed the sniper on top of a desk.

Journal 32: Letter to Mom #5
You will find this text journal in the hallway entrance leading towards the Cafeteria and just after killing the snipers in the big open circular area. It will be lying on the ground inside of the right, western, side wall. You will need to destroy the boards covering the hole to get inside.

Chapter 16 – Retribution

Journal 33: Letter to Mom #6
You will find this text journal as soon as you climb up the 2nd ladder into a secret hallway behind one of the hallways in the prison. It will be lying on the ground along the middle of your path just after finding the Cyrogun.

Journal 34: Can You Hear Them?
You will find this Malikov journal lying on the ground straight ahead of you next to some ammo as soon as you open the door manual where you fought off a lot of Chimera in a large circular area.

Journal 35: Letter to Mom #7
You will find this text journal on top of a crate on the 2nd floor of one of the prison garages next to some Deadeye ammo ahead of you as you get outside.