Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Walkthrough Video Guide (Wii, PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

Film 3: At World’s End

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean big bearded face!

Chapter 1: Singapore

Welcome to Singapore!

First things first you will need to find yourselves a fish! Where the fish monger is, you will need to head down the stairs, smash the items there and you will get your fish.

Elizabeth will then need to use the flower power jumping area to get up onto the roofs. She will need to have a smash about. Remember if you want true pirate. SMASH!

She will then need to jump up and soar down the rope!

When she lands on the dock, head over the bridge on the left. Heading over the bridge and to the end of the dock where the male character will need to insert his sword into the switch.

Elizabeth will then need to jump and head over the green poles to get to the other side.

She will then need to cut the chain so the other character will be able to make his way over.

Heading up the stairs and into the house, both characters will need to insert their sword into the switches.

Heading to the area that has been smashed, head down the stairs and into the boat. Row to the next dock. Jump out the boat and onto dry land.

Heading over to the wheel, you will need to turn the wheel and push the panel to allow the golden ball to drop down into the bucket below.

Head through the newly opened door.

Hit the red icon in front, You will be able to push the hot tubs, this will allow you to get lifted up by the steam to collect the studs. Head to the three men in front. You will then enter a cut-scene.

It is now time to find three new characters.
Have a smash about near the fireworks, you will be able to find the pirates gun.

Switch over to your new pirate, he will need to shoot the target above the shop to get a box of carrots. Place the carrots where the arrow indicates. This will be your second pirate.

You will see a solid golden block with a handle, pull the handle, this will form a staircase where you will be able to find your last pirate.

Once you have captured your last pirate, a swarm of soldiers will burst through the gate.

Once you have defeated the first wave of soldiers, head through the gate and take on the next two waves. Once you have defeated the soldiers, have a quick smash about to pick up any hearts and extra studs. The Sumo (the character with the white face) Will need to pull the bridge, this will form the bridge allowing the characters to head across.

Once across on the other side, shoot the targets. The Sumo will then need to pick up the large block and carry it over the bridge and place it onto the green panel. Build the item and push it to the end of the panel. You will need to keep pushing it against the gate until the gate is forced open.

Head through the gate and up the stairs. Watch out cause there are soldiers about.

The sumo will then need to head over the bridge and pick up the large firework and place it where the arrow indicates, head over grab a torch and set it alight!

Head back over the bright and down the stairs on the opposite side. Smash about. Take down the three soldiers and shoot the target on the ship.

Chapter 2: Davy Jones’ Locker

First things first, I think we should head to the compass point and find the flower for the goat.

Once you have found the flower for the goat, find all the rest of the compass items.

When you find your little oasis, you will be able to get your hands on a lot of studs!

Captain Jack with the gun will need to shoot the target located on the ship. Captain Jack with the bomb, will need to throw it on the boat with the purple items. He will then need to build the wheels and use the goat to pull the back end of the ship out of the ground.

Head up the ramp onto the ship and turn the green panel to bring up and anchor. Head off the ship and to the front of the ship you will need to pull the chain.

Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean Walkthrough — Davy Jones’ Locker Part 2.

First things first, have a smash about and collect and goodies you want to get your Lego hands on!.

You will need to collect all the crew members located at the top of the screen. When you have a smash around, you will need to build any items that need to be built. Shoot the targets as well.

You are also going to need to find a wheel for the target shooting block item. This wheel will then unlock a shipmate.

Heading below deck, the smallest character, will need to head through the tunnel and push along the barrel. He will then need to use his gun and shoot down the pile of barrels in front of the barrel he needs to push to the end of the panel.

Making your way up to the top deck, the character with the gun will need to shoot the chains to free the character. Head over and grab a torch. You will need to then run over and light the TNT where the octopus is. This will free one of the female character pirates. Heading to the main deck where the wheel is, shoot the wheel three times, this will cause the wheel to spin really fast causing the sleeping pirate to fly off the wheel.

By now you should only have three more pirates to find. Attacking the cannon will give your the final lady pirate. Attack the other cannon where the second last pirate is. Your last pirate can be found at the top of the chain hanging onto the crate where the ship in the bottle hangs. Jumping on the rope to get to the other end of the ship. The character with the sword will need to insert the sword into the switch to lower down the final character.

Finally jump onto the chain and start to swing. This will. Cause the boat to tip over. You will then enter a short cut-scene and the level will end.

Chapter 3: Norrington’s Choice

First things first, you will need to start off by shooting the target on the ships mast. Jump up and grab hold of the chain. The chain will cause the box to be lifted up and placed onto the brownish gold panel.

You will then need to head down through the hole into the lower decks of the ship. Have a smash around the decks and see what you can find! You will need to go down to the lower deck to pick up a torch to light the cannons with.

Once you have full control of the cannon, you will need to shoot the targets with what looks to be like a red X on them. You will need to between the two cannons.

Heading down the ladder once again, you will need to carry your torch and shine it on the purple octopus arms in the barrels and coming up the stairs leading even lower into the ship.

Heading down to the lower deck, you will need to shine your torch on some more octopus arms, head over to the wheel and turn it. This will cause the hanging objects to move over. Push the large gear item until you are unable to push it any more. You will then see a second wheel located at the back. Turning this wheel will move the items out of the way allowing you to move your gears. Push the gears until it locks into position next to the other gears.

Once you have placed the gear in place, two characters will need to insert their swords into the switch to open a trap door. Before you head down the stairs, you will need to grab a torch to light the TNT with. Head through the newly opened gate. You will then enter a short cut-scene.

You will then be swarmed by blue pirates! Head up the ladder, here there will be a swarm of enemies too. As you head to the middle level, you will need to change over to the sumo character, he will need to head to the back of the deck and pull the handle, if you get stuck follow the blue indicator. He will need to pull this, it will then smash to pieces revealing two very large cannons you will need to light. Head through the new opening. Using the female character to double jump to the bars. The bar will then fall down revealing a climbing net for the other character. Watch the moving platforms for the timing of the shooting cannons. When you get to the last platform, turn the wheel. Bring the character over to the platform with the wheel who holds the gun. He will need to shoo the target on the chain. Jump over to the chain and jump over to the platform. Pick up a torch on the side of the ship, this will allow you to make your way through the purple arms. Head to the balcony at the back of the ship and slid down the rope. This will take you onto another ship with some blue enemy pirates. The sumo will then need to pull the orange handle that is securing the rope. The orange handle can only be pulled with people with flaming feet and animals.

Chapter 4: The Brethren Court

First things first, you see all those pirates at the top of your screen? You are going to have to find every single one of them.

Have a smash about the cabin first, you will need to put the knight together to get your hands on your first pirate on the list.

Heading up the slope on the left, you will be able to get your hands on a fish,this fish located on the first landing area of the slope. Head keeping forward until you come to an area where you will be able to see another pirate. You will need to replace the cog. Turning the panel to raise the cannon. You will need to use Jacks compass to help you out and find a couple of the items. Such as the touch to light the cannon with.

You will need to aim the cannon at the chest to break the locks. Heading back down the slope a little, you will need to jump over the edge. Here you will be able to land on the level below. Head over to the compass point to find another item. You will need to find three of the items and place all three onto the panels.

Heading down the path, you will come to a section where you will need to turn the wheel to release a bearing. To change the turn of direction, you will need to pull onto the chain to change the colours. Change the chain to blue will turn it one way, jumping up and changing it to red will change the turn another way.

Once the bearing has landed in the bucket below, pick it up and place it where the blue arrow indicates. Once you have placed the bearing, Jack will need to insert his sword and turn the switch.

You will now have another pirate under your belt. Head over to the compass point and take the lift up. Keep following your blue square until you have found the item you have selected to find. Rob has selected the wheel. Place the wheel on the switch and start to wind up your pirate who is stuck on the boat.

Your final pirate the one with the green hat, you will need to jump up and grab the chains. This will cause the pirate to have a little jig. You will need to memorise where the ladies danced, and jump onto the correct coloured squares. You have now found your final pirate. You will need to do the dance four times to receive your pirate.

Head into the lift with the pirate. You will need to insert your swords to open the large door located in front of you.

Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean Walkthrough — The Brethren Court Part 2.

After the cut-scene, you will arrive in the eating quarters. First things first, you will need to get your hands on a dogs bone.

Have a smash about, you will be able to pick up a few studs here to finish off your true pirate mission. The dogs bone is located in with the skeleton in the corner. You will need to go down the stairs to the lower deck to find them.

Once you have the bone, head back up and give it to the dog.
You will then need to change over to the dog and head down stairs for a digging mission.
Head down the stairs and the dog will need to head through the tunnel. It will then need to jump up and grab the chain, opening the door. Pick up the box and take it to where the arrow indicates.

Chapter 5: The Maelstrom

First things first have a bash and smash around to pick up any studs and goodies that might be hiding in the crates.

You will need to give the character a parasols. In exchange for the parasol, you will get the eye needed.

You will need to place the eye in the bucket. Once you have found the trumpet you will need to place it into the bucket. You will also need to find a life preserver, a sausage and a croissant. You will need to place all of these items into the bucket.

Head up the rope and across the rope to get to the other mast. You will need to pick up a torch and light the cannon.

Dropping down onto the deck, head over to the cannon where the moon light is shining. Look through the cannon until you are able to find a lady. She will throw you an item needed.

You will need to jump onto the life boat (carrying a torch) as you go down on the life boat, you will see octopus arms holding the croissant. You will need to shine your torch onto the arms to receive the croissant.

After the short cut-scene you will need to take on some enemies. Head over to grab a torch and light the cannon. You will need to fire the cannon at the body of the ship. Turning the wheel next to the crab infested cannon will cause a wave to wave the crabs away. You will then need to get another torch and light the cannon. Shoot the body of the ship once again.

Turning then wheel at the back end of the boat, will cause the cage to raise and move. Keep turning the wheel until the cage drop. You will then need to build the cannon.

Do the same with the third cannon, which you did with the other two.

Once you have shot the ship for the third time, you will now need to take on Davy Jones.

Remember, you are able to use the barnacles to transport from one side of the boat to another. In the middle of the ship, you will need to move the large item on the panel. This will allow Jack Sparrow to use the rope to get to Davy Jones who is located on a beam above.

You will need to get rid of all his hearts. You will need to be quick as he can use the barnacles which can transport him to different areas of the ship. You will also be bombarded by enemies whilst taking on Davy Jones.

Once you have defeated Davy Jones you will have finished Film 3.

Click on Page 4 to start the Film 4 chapters!