Fable 3 Silver and Gold Keys Locations Guide (Xbox 360)


Silver Key #14

You will find this key in a bunker but first you will need to detonate the barrels beside of it to get rid of the wooden barricade the is blocking the entrance. You can either shoot it with your gun or fire a mortar at it from the fort.

This bunker is right behind the fort and you proceed up the hill to the right most path.

Silver Key #15

You will find this key on the western edge of Mourningwood northward past the chest that is near a tree by the ruined wall. The key is just behind one of the arches on the wall. It is also right behind Happy Hippies’ Hut.

Bowerstone Industrial

Silver Key #16

You will find this key inside a factory near the 2 bridges that are close to each other and just near the entrance to Mourningwood. You will have to manipulate 4 levers in a particular order to turn of the steam vents in order to reach the key.

The first lever you need to pull is just up the stairs, the back left corner of the factory. The 2nd lever you need to pull is in the far right corner of the factory. The 3rd lever you need to pull is in the far left corner. The 4th lever that needs to be pulled is in the back right corner. Then the final lever is the 1st lever you pulled in the back left corner. Then go to the right side of the balcony and grab the silver key.

Silver Key #17

You will find this key when you become Ruler of Albion. Return to the military warehouse near the docks and climb the stairs to the upper level to reach an elevator car at the top that is now open. The key will be inside.

This will also be right across the way from where you found Silver Key #16 here in Bowerstone Industrial and near the entrance to Mourningwood.

Bowerstone Market

Silver Key #18

You will find this key as you cross the bridge to the side of the river closest to the Millfields and head down the stairs to the river walk. It will be beyond the food stall near the sailboat at the end of the walkway.

Silver Key #19

You will find this key in the backyard of the Hauteville Heights house. Head down street that leads to Bowerstone Castle and then enter the last house on the left side before the wall. Purchase and go through the house to reach the backyard.

Reaver’s Manor (Millfields)

Silver Key #20

You will find this key behind Reaver’s bed in his private bedroom. To get to it, go through the door on the right side of the dining room that leads upstairs. Then continue through the hallways to you reach a bedroom. In the bedroom at the far right corner inspect the bookshelf which will reveal a secret hallway that leads to his private bedroom.

Bowerstone Castle

Silver Key #21

You will find this key as you make your way to the back of the gardens behind the castle. Go left at the steps that leads to the Catacombs and the key will be behind the statue to the far left.


Silver Key #22

Find the Pepperpot Cave and follow the path behind the fence to reach the large factory at the top of the hill. The key will be inside a small shack behind the building at the end of the path. If you are not sure how to climb over the fence, press the A button.

Silver Key #23

Head to the mining factories and go past them and over the ridge towards the Bower Lake side of Millfields. Take the left path and seconds later another left again to see this key in the open up a small short hill. It will also be right before a graveyard and overlooking the lake.

Silver Key #24

This key will be just next to a pond that you will need to swim through to reach it. It is right near the entrance to the Dankwater Cavern. There will be two paths in which you can access this pond from, either coming down the hill from the mining factories or up the hill from the lake across the bridge. It will also be directly below the statue with the telescope on the hill.

Bowerstone Old Quarter

Silver Key #25

You will find this key when you head through the rows of shops in the center of town and then turn left at the end. Then head to the last house on the right before the path turns and purchase the Nightshade House. It will be on the 2nd floor in this house to the left of the bed.

Silver Key #26

You will find this key during the quest “Battle for Albion” which is part of the storyline. It will be to the far left of the path leading up from the water in the corner of the area beneath the city wall. It will also be to the left of a large tree.

You do not have to get it during the quest though. You can return here at anytime to get it.