Our Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Brotherhood Arks locations guide for Xbox 360 and PS3 will help you discover the hidden location for all of these collectibles in the game.
While you make your way through this Hideo Kojima-produced (creator of Metal Gear Solid) action-adventure, for finding the following collectible will earn you an Achievement and Trophy to gain bragging rights and increase your Gamerscore/Trophy Collection.
“Master Improver” (25G/Bronze) by finding all of the secret Brotherhood Arks.
Tip: By opening the Brotherhood Arks you will either upgrade the amount of Daggers, Fairies or Holy Water Flasks you can carry.
Table of Contents
- Chapter I
- Chapter II
- Chapter III
- Chapter IV
- Chapter V
- Chapter VI
- Chapter VII: There are no Brotherhood Arks in this Chapter.
- Chapter VIII: There are no Brotherhood Arks in this Chapter.
- Chapter IX: There are no Brotherhood Arks in this Chapter.
- Chapter X: There are no Brotherhood Arks in this Chapter.
- Chapter XI: There are no Brotherhood Arks in this Chapter.
- Chapter XII: There are no Brotherhood Arks in this Chapter.
Index of Castlevania Lords of Shadow Guides:
- This Page: Brotherhood Arks Locations Guide
- New Page: Gems Locations Guide
- New Page: Walkthrough
- New Page: Achievements & Trophies Guide
Chapter I Brotherhood Arks
Ark #1 Chapter I Level 3: Dagger Upgrade: You will find this Brotherhood Ark just after defeating the Swamp Troll. The cutscene after defeating it will unveil a Brotherhood Ark at the blocked entrance to the graveyard. Get this before you exit the graveyard with the Grip Point.
Ark #2: Chapter I Level 4: Holy Water Flasks Upgrade: You will find this Brotherhood Ark right before you find the 5th Magical Rune to open the door. If you just started playing the game, you will not be able to grab this until you have obtained the Seraph Shoulders which is not until the ending of the boss fight in Chapter VIII. You will have to revisit this Chapter and Level when you obtain those. If you already have them, or have come back to grab this upgrade, you will just double jump with your Seraph Shoulders onto this platform above to grab this Holy Water Flasks Upgrade.
Watch this video for more details and exact locations to each Brotherhood Ark in Chapter I:
Chapter II Brotherhood Arks
Ark #3: Chapter II Level 1: Dagger Upgrade: You will find this Brotherhood Ark right at the beginning of the level. When you have climbed down the mountain, instead of heading in the direction to the right, go left and through the waterfall to find a locked door. Use your Shadow Magic to open this doorway.
Ark #4: Chapter II Level 3: Fairies Upgrade: You will find this Brotherhood Ark just after battling all of the Lesser Lycanthropes where you must turn the mechanism to open the gate and jump down. Proceed forward with the waterfalls on each of your sides until you reach the temple. When you get inside the temple, head right instead of left and go to the cracked wall and use your Shadow Magic to Shoulder Dash the wall. If you do not have the ability to Shoulder Dash yet, you will have to return to this area later.
Ark #5: Chapter II Level 5: Dagger Upgrade: You will find this Brotherhood Ark in the area you jump to with the Warg after taking control of it. When you have killed everyone in this area, you can kill the Warg to dismount it. Head to the statue and use your Gauntlet Punch to move the statue and grab the Dagger upgrade. If you do not have the Gauntlet Punch yet, you will have to return to this area later when you do.
Ark #6: Chapter II Level 7: Dagger Upgrade: You will find this Brotherhood Ark in the same area as you find the 2nd Crystal Shard. But unless you have the Stake upgrade, you will not be able to crank the wheel to open the gate. If you do have the Stake upgrade, crank the wheel to open the gate which behind it is the Brotherhood Ark that contains the Dagger Upgrade. You will get the Stake upgrade in Chapter V Level 2.
Watch this video for more details and exact locations to each Brotherhood Ark in Chapter II:
Chapter III Brotherhood Arks
Ark #7: Chapter III Level 1: Fairy Upgrade: You will find this Brotherhood Ark on the path to the city entrance while you are jumping along each of the big earth platforms. You will come across a platform that is higher into the sky and in order to reach it you must have the Seraph Shoulders which you do not obtain until the ending of the boss fight in Chapter VIII. So if you do not have these yet you will have to revisit this area later to get this Fairies upgrade.
Watch this video for more details and exact locations to each Brotherhood Ark in Chapter III:
Chapter IV Brotherhood Arks
Ark #8: Chapter IV Level 1: Fairies Upgrade: You will find this Brotherhood Ark after the boss fight with the Ogre and just after you exit the hallway from the fortress. When you cross the small bridge, to the right will be a gated fence that you need to turn the wooden wheel to access. But in order to turn this wooden wheel you will first need the Stake upgrade which you do not get until Chapter V Level 2. If you do have the Stake upgrade already, then turn the wooden wheel to open the gate and then right behind the gate is the Ark that contains Fairy upgrade.
Ark #9: Chapter IV Level 2: Holy Water Flasks Upgrade: You will find this Brotherhood Ark after your second battle with 3 Swordmasters. Instead of climbing up the wall in the room, head up the stairs and jump across the gap with your Seraph Shoulders to grab the Holy Water Flasks upgrade from the Ark on the stairs. If you do not have the Seraph Shoulders, you will have to revisit this level later when you do. You get them after beating the boss in Chapter VIII.
Watch this video for more details and exact locations to each Brotherhood Ark in Chapter IV:
Chapter V Brotherhood Arks
Ark #10: Chapter V Level 2: Holy Water Flasks Upgrade: You will find this Brotherhood Ark right at the beginning of the level. You will need to revisit this level if you do not have the ability to Shoulder Dash and the Seraph Shoulders yet. You will obtain the Seraph Shoulders when you beat the boss in Chapter VIII Level 4. If you do have these, as you walk through the village, before you get to the big open area, there will be a few steps leading up to a doorway that is blocked by bricks. First you will use the Shoulder Dash ability to smash through this breakable wall and then use the Seraph Shoulders to jump to the area above where the Ark is that contains the Holy Water Flasks upgrade.
Watch this video for more details and exact location of the Brotherhood Ark in Chapter V:
Chapter VI Brotherhood Arks
Ark #11: Chapter VI Level 3: Daggers Upgrade: You will find this Brotherhood Ark inside of the 4th hall, just after you have opened the gate with the mirrors and light. You cannot miss this location as you need to get into this room to progress through the game, but you will need to have the Seraph Shoulders in order to be able to jump to the higher ledge in the 4th small room with part of the rune key puzzle. You will obtain the Seraph Shoulders at the end of the boss fight in Chapter VIII Level 4. If you do have it already, just double jump onto the ledge above to open the final Ark.
Watch this video for more details and exact location of the Brotherhood Ark in Chapter VI:
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