Fire Pro-Wrestling Xbox 360 announced. Uses Avatars

Fire Pro Wrestling Xbox 360 Avatars screenshot (TGS 2010)
A new Fire Pro Wrestling has been announced for Xbox 360! And it uses Avatars! Yay?

The new game is being developed by the same team that brought you all of the past games in the cult-favorite series of wrestling titles, Spike, and has been built from the ground up to make use of your personification in the form of an Xbox Live Avatar instead of using customizable characters like usual.

You will be able to customize your Avatar to make them more like a wrestler though by adding a costume or wrestling mask and the like.

The game will include advanced moves and a career mode where you unlock new moves as you progress, but it will also include single and tag-team matches over Xbox Live! Online Avatar wrestling ftw!

Fire Pro Wrestling will be released in 2011.

Here is what it looks like in action.