Possible Arkham Asylum 2 subtitles include Batman: Ashes of Gotham, Broken Ground, Rise of Arkham, Siege of Gotham, State of Villainy

Batman wallpaper. Arkham Asylum 2 possible subtitles revealed
A number of Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 subtitled may have been revealed as domain names that were just registered by publisher Warner Bros.

They cover the gamut of possible titles, although they could also be the names for various web-sites or viral marketing sites and the like. They were uncovered by Superannuation, a web-site that specializes in these kind of findings.

Some of the domain names suggest that we could be running around Gotham City while attempting to take out Batman’s rogues list, but for now it’s all guessing. The domains were registered on July 7, 2010.

Here is the list:

1. arkhamcity.com
2. batmanarkhamcity.com
3. batmanashesofgotham.com
4. batmanbrokenground.com
5. batmannewarkham.com
6. batmangranddelusion.com
7. batmanriseofarkham.com
8. batmansiegeofgotham.com
9. batmanstateofvillainy.com
10. cityofarkham.com
11. closearkhamcity.com
12. peopleforgotham.com
13. stopmayorsharp.com
14. waringothamcity.com
15. wheresbrucewayne.com

Via Superannuation