First Gears of War 3 video of the Beast Mode

Gears of War 3 Beat Mode screenshot
Gears of War 3 was a definite highlight of the Microsoft’s E3 2010 Press Conference where they showcased actual gameplay footage of the game in action.

The third game in the series will be amping up the action by allowing players to take part in four-player co-op play, a beloved mode that has previously only seen two-players at once. And the developers at Epic promise that all four characters at play during each moment of the four-player campaign will be built up and fleshed out, so as not to feel that they just tacked on two more characters and made them playable; Everything will have context within the plot of the camping.

Epic is also going back to Unreal Tournament for inspiration by offering an Arcade Mode of the campaign where players can compete for high scores and use “modifiers”, which allows you to change how the game operates. You can add low gravity or give characters big heads, for example.

But perhaps the biggest new feature is called “Beast Mode”. This multiplayer mode will actually allow players to play as the enemy Locusts! Tickers and Wretches will be playable as is shown in these videos.

And here is a video interview with producer Cliffy B. as he discusses the game’s Beast Mode and all aspects of the upcoming sequel.