Stage 4: Arcade Action at the Fulci Fun Center
In Stage 4 we go to the Fulci Fun Center.
Costume: Sexy Rider Suit (Juliet Starling).
Part 2 of Stage 4.
Costume: Date Night Outfit (Juliet Starling).
Part 3 of Stage 4. — Here’s the boss fight with Josey the Funk Zombie.
Costume: Rosalind’s Costume (Juliet Starling).
Stage 5: Evil at the Unfinished Cathedral
In Stage 5 we head to the Unfinished Cathedral.
Costume: Purple Pride Uniform (Juliet Starling).
Part 2 of Stage 5.
Costume: Dad’s Costume (Juliet Starling).
Part 3 of Stage 5.
Costume: Dad’s Costume (Juliet Starling).
Part 4 of Stage 5. — Here’s the boss fight with Lewis Legend the Rock n’ Roller Zombie.
Costume: Sexy American Casual (Juliet Starling).
Lollipop Chainsaw Walkthrough continues on Page 4 with Stage 6.