Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands walkthrough video guide (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands walkthrough part 4 – The Treasure Vaults

Continue forward until you come to a short wooden post suspended above a pit filled with gold coins, perform a vertical wall run to reach the top.

Making your way along the corridor until you come to another gap. You will need to run along the left wall. And jump to the pole sticking out of the wall. Swing from pole to pole until you can finally jump into the walkway.

After you have made it to the walkway, there will be another pit of gold ahead,. You will need run along the left wall Continue doing this until you reach the top.

In the next chamber, there will be a group of enemy soldiers ahead taking some of the gold. You can take on these soldiers by using your power attack. If that doesn’t finish them off kick them to the fall and press your attack button.

After the fight is over you need to climb to the top of the copper coloured cage at the end of the room. Jump onto the nearby column, leaping to the next column on the left hand side, finally making your way to the pole that is sticking out of the wall. Use this to make your way to the balcony.

When you have reached the balcony you will have to jump and swing along a series of poles. Swing until you have reached the walkway at the top of the chamber.

Jump onto the gold pole at the end of the walkway. This pole is a switch, it will open the door at the end of the chamber.

You will finally be reunited with Malik.
In the hall beyond the vault the earth is still shaking and massive boulders of rock are falling all over the place. You will have to navigate your way around the gaps in the floor by running along the walls.

You will then find yourself in a small chamber, the stone door is locked. You will need to step into the portal to find out what awaits you on the other side.

You will need to follow the walkway and make your way to the fountain, you will go into a cutscene and eventually will be back in the corridor you once started in.

The door that was once locked is now open. As you step into the hallway a cut scene will occur. Follow the on screen instructions on how to wind back time. You can use this “wind back time” if you are falling, press the R1 button to wind back time.

When the floor starts to collapse you will need to perform a wall run. Remember your new power, if you don’t want to die (an embarrassing death) use your wind-back-time power to wind back time.

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands walkthrough part 5 – The Stables

As you make your way into the stables, you are stalked by some wraiths hiding in the shadows, move into the stall on the left to make the wraiths show themselves, they will pop out of the floor. They do look scary but you will need to be prepared for a fight. You can use your power attack on the wraiths as they perform the same as soldiers. Remember to step back and charge up your power attack. Once you have performed your power attack roll for cover.

You will then need to enter the stable area on the left, climb up onto the wooden stall then across to the wooden beam to reach some poles.

Jump from column to column. Until you reach the ledge on the far wall. Perform a horizontal wall jump to reach the next set of columns making your way to the balcony.

On the balcony you will be able to reach the gold switch, the door on the opposite side of the room will open. Swing and jump your way to the doorway. Don’t worry about the bats, as you jump onto the poles they will fly away.

In the next corridor you will need to roll through a small hole before the shield collapses under the force and weight of the door.

Now that the palace’s defences have been activated, you will need to swing back and forth through the hallway. The easiest way to get past the trap is to follow the log, as it swings towards you roll underneath it. There will be the same trap in the next hallway.

There will be more wraiths waiting ahead for us in the next room, so charge up the power attack manoeuvre and wait for them to move into range.

You will need to perform a wall run, whilst you are doing this you will activate a switch that will release a series of poles and pole switches on the other side of the room. Swing across four poles to make your way to the other side of the room. You will need to wall jump until you can find a wall of bricks to grab hold of. Once you have grabbed hold of the bricks, jump over and grab the wooden post sticking out behind you.

Once you have reached the next room you will need to cross some wooden beams making your way to the red banners on the opposite side of the room.
As you enter the next corridor three more wraiths will appear, once you have dealt with them you will have to get through this section quickly as there are giant bladed pendulums swinging back and forth. You will always need to focus on the pendulum in front of you. Once they swing to the left you will need to be quick and roll to get out of the way.

When you get to the next room, you will find a large wooden leaver in the middle of the floor. Follow the on screen instructions.

Wall run up the scaffolding, continue jumping until you reach a wooden beam, then you can jump over to the gold switch hanging from the ceiling.

Go back to the leaver and pull it until it is facing the stone door. This will give you another wooden panel that will allow you to reach another pole.

After the fight move between the new platforms, in the next chamber there will be some enemies that have been turned into sand. There will also be a brief cutscene revealing the whereabouts of the Sarcophagus location, each Sarcophagus location is a hidden item.

The passage ahead is filled with more pendulums, there is really no need to rush in this section, so take your time.

In the next room you will finally catch up with Malik, after your conversation with Malik, slide down the banner making your way to the next pole switch.
Once you have pulled the first pole switch and made your way to the walkway, there will be another switch, run up the wall near the door and the switch will be there. This will raise a second column near the circular platform.

Jump from column to column rolling through the doorway to ensure you make it through alive! Continue to the next hallway where you can access the next area.

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands walkthrough part 6 – The Works

In the next section you will need to move past all the hazards. What out for the large metal wall section that will emerge. As the metal wall retracts and the stone wall reappears quickly perform a horizontal wall jump to make it across to the other side.

Once you have made it to the other side, take a couple of seconds to remember the pattern of the rotating cog to your right.

You will then come across two moving wall pieces, as they drop into position make a wall run, once you have made it passed all the hazards you will come to some columns.

Jump across to the next column, watching the movement of the metal wall pieces behind you. The wall closest to you has a ledge, jump and grab onto the ledge. If you are fast enough you can wall run to the left and grab the pole.

You will then have to jump across a series of four poles to slide down the red banner, however you need to time your jumps, when your reach the second pole hang tight for a few seconds and let the giant cog swing past. Once you have made it to the fourth pole, slide down the banner and pass through a small hall to get to the next room.

Start in this room by jumping over the central wooden platform you will find a level on this platform that is able to rotate. Rotate the platform a quarter of the way round counter-clockwise to post the posts in position. Once they have all been put into position make your way across.

You must now perform a couple hazard wall jumps. You will have to perform these jumps whilst looking out for traps. The first trap is a buzz saw located in the wall. The second trap is a pole covered in sharp blades.

You will then have to run up the tower wall to reach the ledge, when a smooth metal surface is exposed use it to grab onto the ledge. From the second ledge jump to the ledge behind you moving to the right and then performing another horizontal wall run. Watch out for the buzz saw trap! It is set into the wall.

Before you jump make sure you align the wooden posts attached to the central platform, move to the left and to the right until your body is in line with the post.

On the balcony wall run up to the wooden door and jump over to the golden switch(pole) when the platform has raised make your way back over to the platform.

Now you will have to interact with it, move the platform until the wooden post is pointing at the large tower marked by the circular switch.
Once the switch has been activated it will open a stone door at the opposite side of the room.

Use the leaver once again to rotate the platform 180 degrees, and dash to the door before it shuts.

There is another leaver and machinery that will be waiting for you in the next room.

Leap to the golden pole switch to raise the platform near the rooms entrance. Jump and perform a vertical wall run to access another leaver.

You will need to rotate this leaver (a quarter of turn) once it is put into place make your way back to the entrance of the room.

Once you have made it back to the first level, push it a quarter of a turn to lower the column. Jump over to the platform and perform a vertical wall run.

Now you will need to jump to the pole on the left side of the room. From here you can make your way to the balcony that is infested with wraiths.

Once you land on the balcony it might be a good idea to start slaying! Once you have got the upgrade a good choice would the stone armour (if you don’t have it already).

There will be more traps waiting for you in the next corridor!

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands walkthrough part 7 – The Fortress Courtyard

You will need to run towards the door that is blocked by guards (they have been turned to sand). You will need to perform a vertical wall jump to reach the nearest pole.

You must swing from pole to pole. Once you have reached the ledge you will need to move to the right hand side. You must time this wall run as there are sliding blades on the stone wall.

Once you have completed that task you will need to jump over to the next two poles before jumping onto the bricks.

You will need to perform a wall run between the two intersecting blades. As soon as they cross one another jump to your left and grab the pole. Swing yourself to the next pole and jump onto the ledge.

You will then come to another section with some blades, as soon as there is a gap between the blades jump! Use the column to get to the ledge on the other side.

Once you have killed the sand monsters, take some time to upgrade yourself.

You will come to some more blades, roll underneath them. You will also need to perform a wall run, do this carefully. You will need to time the run.

Move yourself down the red banner, move yourself down and across the gap, use your power attack to break the Sarcophagus.

You will then need to perform a wall run past some more blades. Time your jumps carefully, then swing from pole to pole until you reach the other side.

Make your way to the closing door, which is located on the left turn. You will have to perform a wall run over the gap and make your way up the stairs. Once you have reached the top of the stairs, a strange monster will appear. He will bash his horns into the side of the building. You will need to jump off the stairs. Remember if you fall you can always use your wind back time button R1.

You will need to perform another wall jump passed the new gaps. You will need to move fast as there are newly forming gaps. Try and make it over the gaps before they have even formed.

Move through the open door way, kill all the monsters that are in your way. In the room you will have to perform a wall jump to grab the golden leaver. This will open a door to your right.

You will have to move slowly through the next doorway. Your controller will once again vibrate so be ready to perform a wall run to avoid falling into any gaps.

Make your way up the stairs (they’re located left) to make your way to the checkpoint.

You must watch out when you are running past the blades. Make sure you have hit the button on the wall to open the door down to your left hand side,

You will then find yourself face to face with a huge monster! Who by the looks of things really doesn’t wait to fight on his own.
You need to keep a close eye on this monster as he will try and distract you. Watch out for his arms. When he throws them to the floor (if you are not paying close attention) they will knock you over.
You must then roll when the monster charges at you. He will hit a wall and be in vulnerable state, go take your sward and slay him on his back. You will have to repeat this twice to defeat him.

In the door on the right hand side are three sand statues, there is also a button, do a wall run to press the button. This will trigger a section of the wall to move forward. Once the wall is in place you can perform another wall run to get across to the other side of the wall.

Perform a wall run to the golden lever on your right, then swing across some posts before landing on the other side.

Once you go through the walkway, watch out for the beam of spikes, roll underneath them.

Once you have made it to the other side via the wooden beam you will need drop down and move over to the right side to move out of the beams way.

You will have to roll over two more metal grates, make sure you time your rolls.
When you walk through the walkway the prince will inform you that the button to your right is stuck., turn the leaver and press the button once again.

The prince will also tell you that the gears are broken, for this puzzle you will need to go and get two small gears. They are located in the bottom right hand corner. In order to do this puzzle, you will need to put the leavers in the right order. Start with the level on your left (this lever should be facing east) and the next lever should be facing the prince (to the south) and finally the left lever should be pointed to the north. Remember you will have to arrange them in an “L” shape.

Once you have completed the puzzle go and step on the button.

There are some bricks on the right hand side of the wall, perform a wall jump to grab the bricks. Once you have completed two more wall jumps you will make it to a wooden crate.
Run up to the top of the wall to complete this section.