Dragon Age 2 release date might be February 1, 2011?

Dragon Age 2 artwork Dragon Age 2 may have a release date of February 1, 2011. This is according to a flyer given within retail copies of the Dragon Age: Awakening expansion.

On the flyer is printed a blood red dragon with a release date of “02.01.2011” printed at the top left corner and the EA logo on the bottom right corner. Although there is no mention of Dragon Age 2, what else could the flyer be pointing to? You’d have to assume that Dragon Age 2 is the game they are hinting at.

This isn’t surprising when you consider that EA already revealed that a Dragon Age 2 WILL be coming in 2011, along with Dead Space 2.

The first game was also completed around this time last year, but was artificially held back by EA until a November 2009 release so that the console versions of the game had more time to cook in order to be comparable to the PC version.

This makes the above date for Dragon Age 2 likely and will have given the team a whole two years worth of development time if they started directly after finishing the first game.

Via Kotaku