Endless Ocean Blue World coins locations guide (Wii)

Endless Ocean 2: Blue World coin locations guide screenshot
Looking for Endless Ocean 2: Blue World coin locations? Our guide will show you where these hidden coins are located throughout the deep sea.

Endless Ocean: Blue World Coin Locations

The list below will show where each specific coin is located in the ocean. Listed first is the name of the Coin, followed by it’s location. Then comes the square on the map where you will find it. After that is listed the rough depth of the Coin (about how deep you have to go to get it) and then a note on how to find it.

The map square location is divided up like so. Each square on the map is divided into several nine parts: center (C), N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE and SW, corresponding to the cardinal directions, diagonal directions, and a center square.

Andromeda Coin: Gatama – A1SE – 4m – This one is sitting on the highest plant.
Aquarius Coin: Zahhab – D1C – 2m – Sitting on top of a tall rock.
Circinus Coin: Gatama – G5NE – 5m – You’ll find this on top of one of two funnel plants.
Columba Coin: Gatama – E6NE – 5m – To get this coin you need to look within some of the plants.
Dorado Coin: Zahhab – E5SE – 35m – Get this coin inside a Zebra Shark Cave.
Eris Coin: God Temple (Zahhab) – B2 – Located on the bottom left in a Secret Passage.
Jupiter Coin: Cortica middle – D3 Left
Lynx Coin: Gatama – F3W – 3m – This one is found on a table of coral.
Neptune Coin: Weddell – Ice Cave 2 – C2 or C3 – To find this coin look to the right (not sure how deep).
Phoenix Coin: Gatama – D4C – 5m – Look in the sand.
Scorpius Coin: Cortica – Up somewhere in the temple.
Terra Coin: Depths – B4NE – 125m – This is found in the Southern Cavern.
Uranus Coin: Ice Cave – Weddell D2 – To find this look to the top right.

If you know of other coin locations, please follow the guides above and list the Coins that you have found. We’ll then add it to the list!

Thanks to Gamefaqs and users jimi_dini, MattyXB 1 and Anticheese for the locations.