Heavy Rain characters VS Real-Life actors

Jacqui Ainsley as Madison Paige model in Heavy Rain game picture
Heavy Rain has characters that are actually based on real actors, as you can see in the picture above and the pictures below.

Unlike in most games, the characters in Heavy Rain are not only voiced by the actors shown in the pictures, but as you can clearly see, these same actors also provided the face and look of the characters who were modeled after them. This offers a much more realistic performance than you are used to in most games.

And you can see for yourself how accurate the game is to the real person.

If you play Heavy Rain, there is actually a video on the disc that shows off some of actors delivering their lines in the game. Which you can watch right now to see all the great performances that went into making Heavy Rain.

Sam Douglas as Scott Shelby model in Heavy Rain game picture
Leon Ockenden as Norman Jayden model in Heavy Rain game picture

Pascal Langdale as Ethan Mars model in Heavy Rain game picture

Via arstechnica