Rabbids Go Home codes and cheats (Wii)

Rabbids Go Home cheats screenshot
Rabbids Go Home doesn’t have a big cheats and codes list, but the game is an all-new adventure from those wild-eyed crazy rabbits who have finally gotten their own adventure. Which has nothing to do with that Rayman guy.

Here is a list of the unlockable Rabbids in the game and codes for getting them.

To enter the codes. Select “Rabbid in the Wii Remote” from the main menu. Once inside, click on “Menu” and then navigate to “Manage Rabbids”. Now click “View Managed Rabbids”. Once here, you will need to hold C+Z on the Nunchuck. While doing that, enter the following codes by clicking the respective buttons to unlock the corresponding Rabbid character.

1. Assassin Rabbid – Press: 2211AA11
2. Best Buy Rabbid – Press: B11BA22A
3. Geek Squad Rabbid – Press: AA111122
4. Leonardo Rabbid – Press: 1122AA11
5. Prince Rabbid – Press: 121212AA
6. Splinter Cell Rabbid – Press: BBBBAAAA

Here is a featurette on the crazy Rabbid characters.

And here is a human character featurette.