Assassins Creed 2 Feathers Locations Tips and Achievements Guide

Unlock awesome new Assassin’s Creed 2 feathers locations and achievements with the tips in this guide. Find The Truth locations, we exchange Glyphs puzzle solutions, list achievements and trophies that can be unlocked and show short mission walkthrough videos. We even focus on the PlayStation 3 and PSP versions connectivity unlockables. Then, we take a look at the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 pre-order in-game bonus, etc.

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Index of Assassins Creed 2 Guides:

Feather locations tips:

a white feather Feathers are the new flags. You will be able to find a total of 100 Feathers in the game. Here are tips to best find all the feathers:

  • Feathers are placed along the main quest areas of the game. This is unlike the flags in the first game, which appeared seemingly at random throughout the world.
  • Finding hidden Feathers (originally for Ezio’s little brother Petruccio) is best done by running across rooftops. Since naturally that’s where birds spend the most time losing them.
  • Walk around the rooftops with Eagle Vision turned on and you’ll see the Feathers in a white glitch type of graphic.
  • Collecting these Feathers will also lead to tangible rewards in the game. Without spoiling what exactly, it’s the final weapon Ezio could use in his quest for revenge. The intangible reward is if you collect all the Feathers, you get the “In Memory of Petruccio” 30G Achievement or Bronze Trophy.

    Individual in-game feather locations can be viewed below. These maps show ALL feather and glyph locations. Click on them for a full-screen view to see the most detailed maps.

    How to easily find missing feathers:

    To find your last few feathers, you must go into the DNA strand in the pause menu. There you’ll find a section at the end of the strand where secret items and feathers are located.

    Then go in to the feathers section and it’ll tell you in what districts your missing feathers are.

    Florence Feathers:

    Feathers #1 to #18 can be found in this gameplay video, which is part 1 of 2. — Please excuse the coarse language, these guides really are very useful to finding all 100 feathers.

    Feathers #19 to #27 can be found in this gameplay video, which is part 2 of 2.

    This map shows 9 feathers hidden around Florence’s Santa Maria Novella region.

    Assassin's Creed 2 feather locations in Florence Santa Maria Novella

    This map shows 9 feathers hidden around Florence’s San Giovanni region.
    Assassin's Creed 2 feather locations in Florence San Giovanni

    This map shows 9 feathers hidden around Florence’s San Marco region.
    Assassin's Creed 2 feather locations in Florence San Marco

    Villa Auditore Feathers:

    Feathers #28 to #31 can be found in this gameplay video.

    This map shows all 4 feathers hidden around Villa Auditore in Monteriggioni.

    Assassin's Creed 2 feather locations in Villa Auditore

    Continue to Page 2 for Feather Locations in Romagna, Tuscany & Venice.