First Mass Effect 2 trailer unveiled. Original game’s save file carries over to sequel

Mass Effect 2 artwork
Not much is known about BioWare’s new RPG, Mass Effect 2, except that it will be coming to Xbox 360 between January and March 2010 (and to PC likely later on).

Mass Effect for Xbox 360Casey Hudson, project director at BioWare, has claimed that players should keep their Mass Effect save files… saved, because decisions made in the first Mass Effect will continue to have influences on their characters (alive or dead) in the sequel. However if you haven’t played the first game, you won’t be clueless, as the sequel will start a new character in Mass Effect 2 and you’ll be brought up to speed on the story events that have taken place thus far in the planned trilogy.

This Mass Effect 2 debut teaser will leave you with one burning question: What has become of Commander Shepard?