Dragon Age 2 might happen, but no Dragon Age Trilogy is setup

Dragon Age: Origins on PCDragon Age executive producer and project director, Dan Tudge, was recently interviewed and BioWare trilogies was the main subject. Will we see Dragon Age: Origins 2 and beyond? It’s certainly the case for the confirmed Mass Effect trilogy, with Mass Effect 2 arriving in Q1 2010. He said that compared to Mass Effect (Xbox 360, PC), Dragon Age: Origins (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) set for Q4 2009 does not have a story arc that spans a specific number of games.

To quote: “Origins is the birth of the franchise. It definitely sends a signal to the fans that this is just the beginning for us and we want to be pretty clear about that. But it also ties to the origin stories because the origin stories are a huge component about what we’re doing with Dragon Age: Origins, as well as returning to BioWare’s roots, returning to that Baldur’s Gate [3] legacy. It is our origins as well.”

Read the full blurb at MTV.