Fable 2 money cheat discovered and the secret to infinite experience

Fable 2 for Xbox 360Here’s a cheat to make easy money in Fable 2 using the internal clock glitch.

First, buy a property like a house, or a food stand. Something that will accrue you money every five minutes, even when you’re not playing the game. Quit the game to the dashboard, and then set your Xbox 360’s internal clock forward as many days/weeks/months you desire. Start Fable 2 and you will have gained a ton of money to spend on weapons, clothes, and whatever else you want.

Here’s the secret to infinite experience.

Wait until your Fable 2 character is at least somewhat leveled up. Plug in a second controller and begin a co-op game without using a second profile. Using the second controller, go to your henchman’s abilities and discard all of them, returning the experience to the pool. Then quit out of the co-op game. You should find that all the “leftover” experience has been transfered to your hero. Repeat ad nauseum. Note: Your co-op henchman will have the same abilities that you do, so the stronger the hero the more abilities there are to sell off and thus more experience.

Via Gamefaqs