16. The Apprentice AKA Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice AKA Starkiller: Successfully complete Arcade mode with Yoda on Xbox 360 or Darth Vader on PS3. — A good tip to easily unlock The Apprentice is to assign R2 the A+G button combo. This gives Vader the “Emperor Toss” move as a grab and the Apprentice seems to be really vulnerable to it. You can do it again and again until he is mush easily.
17. Yoshimitsu: Purchase him in the Character Creation for 4000 gold.
18. Zasalamel: Purchase him in the Character Creation for 4000 gold.
Note: Two runs through the Story mode will give you enough gold to get the buyable characters. This video shows how to do a Character Purchase:
While the Soul Calibur 4 character select screen at the top of this page is incomplete. The tips on this page show your way to a full roster. Here’s a video of the awesome theme music playing.