Nintendo Wii Fit walkthrough videos (exercises guide)

Wii Fit has already sold over 2 million times in JapanThese Nintendo Wii Fit walkthrough videos offer a quick demonstration of certain key exercises in the game. Training on Wii Fit is divided into four categories: yoga poses, muscle workouts, aerobic exercise, and balance games. These activities provide a core workout, emphasising controlled movements rather than overexertion. Don’t forget to warm up your muscles beforehand.

Please be aware that Wii Fit uses the BMI system (Body Mass Index) to determine the physical condition of users, but Tam Fry — a spokesperson from National Obesity Forum — says that it’s inaccurate for children, and should not be used for them. Or at least not be taken seriously if the game labels them overweight. Adults should be aware that the American and European version of the Wii Fit Balance Board can only hold up to a weight of 150kg or 330lbs. Now let’s take a look at the videos.

1. Part of the yoga poses is the tree pose. The tree pose stretches your spine and strengthens your back and leg muscles.

2. Part of the muscle workouts is the single leg extension. This helps tone your muscles and improve your balance and coordination.

3. Part of the aerobic exercises is the hula hoop. Twirl your hips in a circular motion to spin your virtual hula hoops.

4. Part of the balance games is the ski jump. Learn how to wii-ski jump from a virtual pro.

5. Also part of the balance games is soccer heading. Move your body to head the soccer balls as they are coming at you, but watch out for the flying cleats.

Terry gives further explanations about the Wii Fit setup.