Persian Prince could play Prince of Persia in the Prince of Persia game-based movie

Prince of Persia movie title
The game-based Prince of Persia movie that’s due for summer 2009 will be directed by Mike Newell (of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire fame). The director recently said: “[Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is] a great story. If you had read the script, you would know that it wasn’t a video game. It’s very exciting and it’s immensely romantic and it’s like Lost Horizon. It takes you to somewhere you’ve never been.”

David Zandi a Prince of PersiaCasting for the lead role has been underway and the IESB has gotten it’s hands on a casting report for the film that focuses on the lead character and potential actors. It looks like David Zandi is favored for the lead role of the Prince of Persia. Why is this so cool? Because he’s a Persian Prince himself, it’d be perfect casting! Well, if he can act too, I mean. — Via Joystiq