Soulcalibur Legends (Wii) release date is November 20th

Pre-Order Soulcalibur Legends for Nintendo WiiSoulcalibur Legends has wrapped up development and will be hitting along with a flood of other games on November 20th (for a packed Monday & Tuesday), exclusively for the Nintendo Wii as announced today by publisher and developer Namco.

The game is the first action-adventure title in the “Soul Calibur” series and is set between the events of the original Soul Blade for the PlayStation and its sequel, Soul Calibur for the Dreamcast. The third-person hack-and-slash action follows knight-in-shining-armor Siegfried as he quests to piece together the Soul Edge, better known as the epic-size sword that he’s come to be associated with. Numerous other characters from the franchise turn up in the game, including the sultry dominatrix Ivy and the bushido-blade-wielding Mitsurugi.

As you’d expect, the game takes advantage of the Wii Remote & Nunchuck controllers for motion-sensing sword-swinging action. In addition to have a single-player mode, the game also supports split-screen co-op and competitive modes, which should be interesting. It also contains a Versus Mode, so it’s almost like you’re getting Soul Calibur IV on Wii! :mrgreen: